Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, DevilDriver, Soilwork Tour Concert Review

The night of December 15, 2007 hundreds gathered outside the Long Beach Sports Arena to witness the night of terror and chaos hidden within the three story arena. Hundreds flocked outside going around the building waiting to invade the floor when allowed admission. While the top goers awaited across the way in their own line. I arrived with my guests and met up with my friends and all of us hung out and had a good time chatting and waiting for the fun to begin. The doors finally opened around 5:45PM and everyone rushed inside running over to the stairs and merch stands getting a hold of anything in reach while everyone dashed towards their seats or down to the floor grabbing their position. I arrived at my sit and chatted with my guests and waited until the lights turned dark and the intro for the first act began to echo throughout the arena.

Fans from up top and down below, cheered as Soilwork walked onto the stage and played a 30 minute set list of old and new hits getting the crowd pumped for what was about to come after their departure. After Soilwork entertained their fans a brief intermission was held as everyone ran to the bathroom and got snacks and chit chatted about that nights first performance. After the intermision had ended the second act invaded the stage which was DevilDriver. Who put on one slamming set list of old and new hits getting the fans on the floor in a spinning motion. Singing such hits as "End of the Line," "I Could Care Less," "Clouds Over California," "Hold Back the Day," "Chaos Rise," and many more brutal tunes. After stirring up the crowd of limp bodies "Killswitch Engage" the second headliners of their crazy tour erupted running and jumping up and down the stage singing "My Curse," "A Bid Farwell," and special cover of "Holy Driver." Killswitch Engage twisted and turned the audience left and right with jumping attitudes everywhere you looked.

But last but not least was the all might "Lamb of God." Lamb of God entered the arena last but with furious force screaming their vocal chords to no extent. Turning their set list into a light festival of blues, greens, and pinks, every 5 seconds during every song played. Both the floor and the stand were highly entertained in their seats headbanging like crazy to catchy tunes "Redneck," "Black Label," "Walk with Me in Hell," "Laid to Rest," "Now You Got Something to Die For," and a bunch of other forceful hits.

All in all it was a terrorizing night of chaos and brutal force grabbing the hold of everyone in the arena and throwing them anywhere and everywhere possible. Not giving a damn as to where they might land just as long as they were entertained is all that mattered.

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