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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nuthin But a Glenn Patrik Interview

Need to get your blues on? Can't find out what type of blues group or artist is the right match for you to get your groove on. Well why not put your listening ears on and groove right along with Glenn Patrik. He's an inspiring musician seeking the urge to craft together his musical needs to get his listening audience that includes you to join in on all the fun. Glenn recently responded to several questions I had sent his way and he replied with some very catchy and groovy answers and remarks. Find out what he had to say on his behalf of how his musical career formed along with how his current release has been hitting the musical scene right now as we speak.

1. How, when, and why did you form?

Glenn: This particular line-up happened around November 2008. I've been with Train for over 20 years., but had just started working with Ron when his old friend and former band mate Rusty Hall, came into town after a 2+ year stint of touring with Bernard Allison. Rusty heard my tunes and wanted in on the project. We couldn't be happier.

2. Who do you consider your major influences?

Glenn: I'm influenced by anyone with a deep groove. And deep grooves have been around for a long time. I was in Aomori, Japan just 3 days ago and Sen, the promoter, had a taiko drum crew and dancers with small cymbals come onstage with Magic Slim and the Teardrops (for those that don't know, a legendary Chicago Bluesman), the headliner of the festival. The groove that they carved was chubby!

3. How would you describe your sound?

Glenn: Our sound is a collision of Kansas City Blues style mixed with the Chicago Blues style. From shades of Lonnie Brooks to Count Basie and then some......

4. What are a majority of your songs about? Is there an underlying theme?

Glenn: The majority of the songs that I'm putting out now are about the women in my life, good or bad, and where the relationships have put us . There are a couple dealing with trust and respect between friends. Love. Lack of love. The human condition, that sort of thing.

5. What are your immediate music career goals?

Glenn: I have been on the books for a while to produce a CD for a great new acoustic Blues artist and we are about to begin this process the 1st week of August, 2009.

6. What are your long-term music goals?

Glenn: I just wanna sing and perform for another 40 years!

7. What kinds of instruments do you guys prefer?

Glenn: I'm all Fender, all the time. I've got a bunch of old Teles and many of the old amps. Train likes small compact drums. Ron has somethin' different every time you see him. Rusty doesn't really seem to care, as long as it has keys and he can get the tones he needs.

8. Explain your ideas of an ideal show?

Glenn: No one gets hurt.

9. Out of all the shows you have played, is there one that stands out as a favorite? Is so, please explain.

Glenn: Recently, we performed the Kansas City Street Blues Festival. Kansas City is my hometown and I was really surprised to be presented with a proclamation welcoming me home from the Mayor.

10. Who are some of your favorite bands to share the stage with? Can you name some of the bigger bands that you've played with if any?

Glenn: That depends on who you're callin' big. I've been on the bill with everyone from Delbert McClinton, Kool & The Gang to The Village People and Bob Dylan. I've been performing live since 1964.

11. Briefly describe your music making process.

Glenn: The songs, lyrics and melodies, come to me easily, and by surrounding me with top musicians, we are able to materialize the tunes within very little time. Once we have a great version of a tune recorded, we perform it a little different every time that we feature the tune lives. It's the Blues.

12. What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Were you able to overcome it?

Glenn: The biggest challenge for any band is the expense of touring. Transportation, diesel fuel, hotels, food, you name it- always cost more this year than it did last year.

13. What advice do you have for fans who want to start their own bands?

Glenn: Depending on what you have in mind for an end result, it is the most work that you will ever do that will not likely make a monetary return. If you weren't born with the gift of music (everyone wants to be a rockstar) stay out of the way of those that were. Try to help promote a natural born musician instead of your part time musician ego. If you just want to have a little fun (remembers, no matter how great your friends tell you that your band is, keep it at home. They are drunk like you), go for it! The best musicians all start at an early age because they can't help themselves.

14. Why should people know about you? What sets you apart?

Glenn: I've been here for a long time. I've had the privilege to work with many of the finest names in Blues and have had much music passed on to me simply by performing with these various talented individuals. I was around doing this before it was hip to play the Blues. I am a Bluesman.

15. What’s next for you guys? Any upcoming tours, releases, anything of that nature?

Glenn: We just released Nuthin' But a Thang! and so far, have done a tour of the Midwest, Southern California and Japan behind this CD. Expect more touring as we book the dates. We intend to get on the festival circuit with this new act and CD and want to make it to any town that wants to hear our brand of Blues!

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