Get Scared – Cheap Tricks and Theatrics
If you were to put Bert McCracken front man of The Used and former front man Sonny Moore of From First to Last into a blender, you'd likely windup with front man Nicolas Matthews or what he prefers &q...
If you were to put Bert McCracken front man of The Used and former front man Sonny Moore of From First to Last into a blender, you'd likely windup with front man Nicolas Matthews or what he prefers &q...
With the constant buzz about everything in relation to Vampires what more could possibly be said? We got the Twilight die-hards and the new comers stake shredders the Vampire Diaries where everything ...
Spanning a career of 30 years, Exodus have gone through what most bands would call "daily rummaging" hence line-up changes, label switch-offs, hiatuses, and even death threats. Exodus on the...
"GODAMN THIS WORLD.... GODAMN MY LIFE.... I DIDN'T CHOOSE HELL.... HELL CHOOSE ME!" is the precise message being stated throughout Carnifex's newest release "Hell Choose Me". With ...