Morior Invictus a group of misfits on their own accord just have one thing on their minds, which is to fight on God's frontlines within this spiritual warfare that is destroying today's society and our world. Taking the name "Morior Invictus”, which in Latin means "Death before defeat" their mind is set to defend what, is rightfully theirs if not die trying first. Aside from that forth coming frontman vocalist/keyboardist Joel Rainwater, spoke to me about the band's beliefs, upcoming plans, and what is about to be unleashed in terms of "The Anonymous" the finished debut album due out this February.
1. Is Morior Invictus a Christian band?
Joel: Yes, we are a Christian band.
2. Do you think talking about spirituality in music is becoming more popular and accepted in mainstream music?
Joel: Yes. I believe music is one of the few forms of speech left that is completely open about beliefs and isn't shut down for it. In this time of political correctness it is harder and harder to find a way to express spiritual beliefs, but music is one of those ways. It seems more and more Christian bands are being put on secular radio stations, record labels, and in secular venues/tours. This proves that Christian bands can speak their beliefs even in a secular atmosphere and it doesn't hurt anyone.
3. Does the band ever get criticized for not being Christian enough?
Joel: Yes. We get mixed feedback on this. Sometimes we hear how great it is that we are not ashamed of our faith and we express it on stage and off. But other times we are told we aren't Christian enough because we don't have alter calls every show and we don't have people coming to know the Lord every time. And then of course we have the ones who think we can't be Christian because of how we sound.
4. How do you respond to those people?
Joel: First of all we don't hate on anyone...even if they are close minded and hateful towards us. We simply share our hearts and calling with them and leave it to God to change their hearts. We are fully confident in what we do, and nobody can put doubt in our minds about it. We may not sing typical worship music or have altered calls, but we are still praising God and sharing His love. We get to make friends with people who would otherwise never want to talk to a Christian. We are just honest with them and make true friends and in that they get to see the love and truth behind our Savior. And we do worship in our music. It may not be typical, but if you read our lyrics, or even watch us live, you will know that we are up there worshipping Him and the crowd is too. It's our own unconventional church.
5. How would you describe your music style?
Joel: We stick to the brutal side of metal, bringing in some newer styles, but keeping the old school influences in strong. We don't play what's popular or what is selling. We play what we like and what God puts in our hearts and just enjoy what we do.
6. What have been your major influences?
Joel: A lot of our sound influences range from Lamb of God, Becoming The Archetype, and As I Lay Dying to Bullet for my Valentine, Between The Buried and Me, and August Burns Red. But overall influence (music, spiritual, personal, etc) we would say: August Burns Red, Impending Doom, Awake The Suffering, Broken Flesh, Beyond Bethel, War Of Ages, As I Lay Dying, Becoming The Archetype, Living Sacrifice, and so many more.
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Photography By: Travis Green |
7. How long has the band been together?
Joel: We have been a band since November of 2008, or at least that is when we found everyone to be in the band. Our first show was the day before Easter 2009. So roughly about 2 years.
8. What does the band enjoy doing in its off time?
Joel: Spending time with family is a big thing. The vocalist and bassist are engaged so preparing for a wedding would definitely be in this category. Other than that video games and movies are a big thing for us.
9. What’s something that would surprise your fans to know about you?
Joel: We are all major nerds - video games, computers, classical music, you name it.
10. How about music you have your current single "The White Plague", is there a demo, EP, or full-length in the making?
Joel: We just finished working on our debut album "The Anonymous" in December. It is set to release in February this year under Raging Storm Records.
11. How hard was it to get inked to a deal with Raging Storm Records?
Joel: We were extremely blessed in this situation. We had a mutual friend with the label and we were helping our friend's band out (who is also on RSR) when we met the label owner at Cornerstone. So we immediately had a bit of an advantage with meeting him. He was able to see us perform at Cornerstone that week and got a chance to get to know us personally, and even worship with us. Because of all this we didn't have to send out hundreds of press kits and sit and hope for a response. However we did drive 10 hours to meet him. But we wouldn't change a thing.
12. Where did you showcase for Raging Storm?
Joel: We hosted a hometown show at one of our members' church Smoky View Baptist in Maryville, TN and had friends in The Burial come in on their tour to do the show with us.
13. When can we expect you guys to be hitting the road?
Joel: We are leaving January 12 to head out on the New Year Storm Tour for 5 weeks. The tour will be mostly on the west coast but comes as far east as Nashville.
14. What about the fans how can they get in touch with you?
Joel: You can reach us at any of the following:
15. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Joel: We are always looking for new places. If you would like to bring Morior Invictus to your town please contact us or Raging Storm Records Thank you.
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