Éowyn’s Silent Screams are nothing but Beautiful Ashes

Many people find it hard to pinpoint the musical comparisons when it comes to Nashville recording artist Éowyn. Her style is as unique as her name. She's had four top 20 National Christian Rock singles and toured extensively throughout the U.S. sharing various stages with such acts as Thousand Foot Krutch, Seventh Day Slumber, Disciple, among others. Those who have seen her can't get enough while the ones who have heard her are eager for more, but then there are those who get to know her and see a genuine person with a concern in wanting to help those in need.

Her previous release "Silent Screams" (2008) focused on was encouraging those who have been ensnared by depression, anger, loneliness, or insecurities that would have them cry out for help whether it’d be from Jesus Christ or their beloved family or friends whoever was in need for that assistance to help them succeed.

Éowyn poured her heart on this album often at times sounding like she was on the verge of tears herself. She explained that "It breaks my heart to see people hurting. I can't help but cry, because I understand why they're going through, and I truly know how they can be whole again."

Now that three years have passed her follow-up release "Beautiful Ashes", is filled with an industrial blend of electronics, strings, and pounding guitars which captures those heartfelt ballads to those chanting anthems of suppression. Lyrically and vocally stunning this is by far one of Éowyn’s best albums to date. It captures an essence that was present on past albums while keeping a key component that's both industrial, rocks, pops, and adds a dash of heavy metal brutality - that fans can appreciate like never before.

Éowyn declares that she is indeed back and describes it as "Only by God's grace" adding that "I think people will see the same but also a new artist with this album. I feel being out of the industry for two years really brought me back to the true meaning of why I do what I do."

1. "Beautiful Ashes" is your newest album to date what comes to mind?

Éowyn: Stylistically it's not as dark as my last album "Silent Screams". "Silent Screams was encouraging the listener to run to God in the midst of depression and pain.”Beautiful Ashes" is all about the hope found on the other side of the tragedy and pain. No matter what devastation a person finds themselves in, I wanted the listener to know that God wants to restore them and their situations that they might be beautiful once again.

2. What is the significance of "Beautiful Ashes" to you on a personal level?

Éowyn: In 2008, I was forced to leave the ministry due to financial difficulties. My husband and I began selling everything that had to do with music. It felt as if everything we had taken so long to build up had burned to ash in a matter of minutes. I walked away burned and beaten. But then over the next 2 years, God started filling my heart with hope again and showing me the beauty that still remained. He began to build my faith and as I allowed him to do so I began to see my ministry built up again and made new.

 3. How about the title "Beautiful Ashes" were ashes suppose to be beautiful? I thought ashes were black and filled with lifeless meaning.

Éowyn: Exactly. :) When we go through a devastation in our lives it can make us feel lifeless, and without meaning. But often times, during those darkest moments are the times we run to God and we feel his presence the most. In the midst of the ash and brokenness, is often where we find our peace. The purpose of the "Beautiful" part is that God wants to take our lifeless situations and make them beautiful again. He wants to restore those things that have become dead to us. He wants to heal those hurts that have scarred us.

4. What’s your favorite song on the new record?

Éowyn: I love the title track "Beautiful Ashes" but I also love the song "Fail-Safe". It was the last song that I wrote for the album but quickly became one of my favorites. In the dictionary it states that Fail-Safe means “Guaranteed not to fail, free from danger or risk.”  While people can obviously fail us at times, God never does.

5. During our last interview I had asked you if you use the same band while you’re on the road you had answered no. Have you managed to find a solid group of musicians or not yet?

Éowyn: Since we last spoke I have all new musicians. After taking such a long break from the road all my past musicians had moved on to other things. They are missed, but my current musicians are equally amazing! I have always been blessed to have some of the most amazing players out there!

6. On "Silent Screams" you had worked with the band Pillar have you had the chance to hit the road with them or would you ever consider doing so?

Éowyn: I would most definitely consider going out with them! That's a great idea for a tour. We should definitely call them up. :)

7. Can you give us some insight on the music video for the title track?

Éowyn: Well, it was definitely a family project. My husband built the set and he and I designed it, my sister actually is playing the leading role and my niece is also one of the characters. The whole video is about my sister finding herself in devastating situations, but by the end of the video there is a hopeful resolution to all of them. She will have a "past" devastation revealed (something from her childhood), a "relationship" devastation and a "dream" devastation. That's all the clues I can give for now!  I will reveal that my favorite scene was when we got to have "ash" falling around us. It was very fun to shoot.

8. What about your website eowynmusic.com you had it themed to your previous release and now have it themed with your new release. Is that the way it will always be whenever a new album comes about?

Éowyn: I am always about themes!  Every album I have ever done was focused around a central theme and then I carried it over to all artwork, websites, and even the live show. Even in our new live show fans can expect to see ourselves covered in ash. When I get an idea or vision for something I like to be repetitive with it so that it really sinks in for the viewer or listener.

9. Some people consider Éowyn mainstream rock, while others think of you as the coolest Christian band out there. Do you consider the label, “Christian rock” a curse?

Éowyn: Not at all, I am a Christian who sings rock music. Whether or not someone wants to call it mainstream or Christian Rock doesn't matter to me as long as they know I love the Lord and I am spreading the message of his love. The label doesn't define who I am. God does.

10. Does the band ever get criticized for not being Christian enough?

Éowyn: I think the only time I have ever gotten that kind of reaction was when someone didn't take the time to read my blogs about my faith, or they didn't listen to my message while I was on stage. I have always been very blunt about my faith, but sometimes people may judge the way I look before they actually listen to what I have to say.

11. How do you respond to those people?

Éowyn: I have to respond in love, but in honesty. I have had a few people be bold enough to question my motives or the way I look and I just lovingly answer their questions and realize that they may never agree with me. Then I have to be okay with that! :)

12. If Jesus walked the Earth today and had an iPod, what five songs would definitely be on it?

Éowyn: You know I'm not even so sure. I rarely listen to songs myself, so it's hard to pick 5 that I think he might listen too. :) I can't even pick 5 that I would! Haha

13. What do you think the biggest problem is facing young people today?

Éowyn: Their own insecurities. When a young person doesn't believe in themselves or when they think they have no worth, they tend to withdraw from others and then from God. They can't imagine anyone possibly loving them, so they look to no one. Insecurities then lead to depression, depression then lead to loneliness, loneliness then lead to pain and hurt, which then often leads to suicide.

14. When will you be hitting the road?

Éowyn: My first show back is in May at my CD release party in Nashville, TN. After that there are several shows across the U.S.  No major tour as of now, but they'll be coming.

15. How about the future what does Éowyn have lined up for 2011?

Éowyn: You know, I'm not planning as much this time around. After leaving the industry in 2008 I never even thought I'd be able to return. So now that I have, I'm taking it day by day. I definitely will be doing more shows, the music video will be hitting in April, and we'll be releasing "Beautiful Ashes" to radio, but other than that, there are no set plans. But I can't wait to see what God has in store!

16. Is there anything else you'd like to add or get out into the open?

Éowyn: I'm so excited to announce that my hubby is officially playing keys for me now. I have always wanted him to be on stage with me and in 2011 that is finally happening! So everyone be sure to come out to a show just to see that! He's actually really good! And as always, if anyone needs any prayer please write me at eowyn@eowynmusic.com or search me out on Facebook and write me there.

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