Generation Graveyard’s Mutating Interview

Misanthropic mutant rockers Generation Graveyard having taken their name from their friends Warrior Souls album "Space Age Playboys" they found a name that would suit them best. This of course lead to an EP release expanding their writing and recording ability to do a follow-up which would later become their debut LP set for release in the near future. Generation Graveyard’s Max discusses his influences and the band’s including Killing Joke and Mayhem to Wire and The Dwarves right down to the messy pile up that is their touring schedule. Generation Graveyard is U.K.’s finest and will dominate the rest of the world in just a matter of time and angst.

1. So how did a name like Generation Graveyard come to be?

Max: We took the name from one of our favorite bands and also good friends Warrior Soul. It’s the name of a track off of their 'Space Age Playboys' album. After spending a long time trying to think of a name for what we stand for it seemed perfect. The way the world is turning right now I wouldn’t be surprised if this Generation was the last.

2. How would you describe your music style?

Max: Misanthropic mutant rock n roll.

3. What have been your major influences?

Max: Everything from Killing Joke and Mayhem to Wire and The Dwarves.

4. What about music what do you guys have available as of right now?

Max: We have an EP which we have released for free over the internet, now a limited amount are available but email and we will send you a copy, no charge.

5. How can fans-to-be gain access to your music?

Max: If not through requesting a physical copy, you can stream our music on our MySpace;

6. How about record labels have you had any offers as far as getting signed?

Max: Record labels don’t pay attention to bands anymore. We're doing what we do and if someone wants to pick it up then cool. But were not about selling ourselves or compromising in order to gain attention. Only time will tell if someone sees anything in our self destructive bullshit.

7. You guys are from the U.K. what is the music scene like there?  Are there any bands you'd recommend?

Max: We're not part of any scene, so it’s difficult to judge. We have some great friends in bands like The Mercy House and The Defiled. And bands like the Skintight Jaguars and Junction XIII. That’s all I can personally think of.

8. What does you tour schedule currently look like?

Max: A mess. We have gigs coming up supporting Warrior Soul and with our friends Junction XIII in Basingstoke. This summer we are mostly looking to focus on recording our debut album. Which we will be releasing ourselves, you can find all our dates on our MySpace page.

9. Will we be seeing you guys hitting the U.S. later on down the line?

Max: The plan would be to hit every fucking city on the planet. We're not rich, we self promote and self destruct. It will happen one day, but right now who knows when.

10.  All the time that goes into practice, recordings etc, do you have much of a time for a social life? What is your favorite thing to do to relax?

Max: At the moment at least with me the main focus in my life is the band. It’s the only thing I have faith in. What we do in our spare time? No comment.

 11. Is there anyone you would like to acknowledge for giving financial or emotional support?

Max: Ourselves our local off license and anyone who has supported us over our time so far.

12. What is the next step for Generation Graveyard and what’s your ultimate goal?

Max: Keep focusing on writing new material, creating something that we are proud of. Keep upping our game live and giving people something they'll remember. And continuing to destroy and maim anything that gets in our way.

13. Do you have any last words?

Max: Fuck the scene, Fuck the world. All hail The Plague.

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