Hard rock comes in an array of genres and styles and when it comes to SweetEverAfter they come from a city that had such greats as Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder, SweetEverAfter is following the path that those acts brought to the fore front of the music scene. Formed in 2009 these guys have done the showcases, the writing, and even recording that all landed on their debut album "My Death", With that said they have taken influences from not just the hard rock genre by combines that with the addition of eclectic jazz, traditional folk and indie, to grunge and even new metal these guys have got a style of sorts and sizes they just need to find the right momentum for them. Frontwomen Ammee Pearl discusses with me the band's debut, upcoming plans, and what fairy tale had her happily ever after.
1. SweetEverAfter fan of fairy tales?
Ammee: Yes, I guess you could say that. Although I always thought fairy tales were too pleasant and perfect for real life, I believe there can be a "Sweet Ever After" for all of us. It's escapism at its finest.
2. If you could pick a favorite fairy tale which would it be and why?
Ammee: Well, I always liked Snow White. It's a pretty dark fairy tale, not that that's what attracts me to it, but I like the underlying morals. How the evil witch is so smitten with her own vanity and jealousy but in the end pays for it dearly. I like tales that have a sense of justice.
3. "My Death" what can you tell me about it?
Ammee: "My Death" is our first full length project. It's a ten song offering that showcases our sound and vibe. The whole recording process for this album began in early 2010. It's been a long road, we're really thankful to have the album completed.
4. When did you begin writing for that album?
Ammee: When we wrote for this album, we had a few of the songs already. When you're a songwriter, a lot of the time, you spill your insides out, record them and then let them simmer till something happens with the idea or something doesn't. Storm, the first song on the album was originally penned in 2005. Many of the other songs were birthed when we came to San Diego and founded Sweeteverafter in 2008. When we started jamming and discovering the synergy we had with the band, the songs just naturally started to birth themselves. When we had 10 solid tracks we decided it was time for the album.
5. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began for this album?
Ammee: I think we just wanted to do justice to our music. We knew our sound was big, heavy but also not full on metal, it's very unique to have the style of music we do and with the female vocal element. So our biggest goal and challenge for the album was how do we best bring to life the heavy AND the sweet.
6. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?
Ammee: Not anything new. The sound and tone of the instruments comes from each member’s intimate knowledge of their instruments and the love of their sound. We are a band that has a lot of really, really good gear, and we know how to make it work for us.
7. When did you start writing for this album?
Ammee: We began in early 2010.
8. Can you go into one or two tracks on the new album? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?
Ammee: Find Myself, which is our first single off the album, was written back in 2010. It's a deeply personal song for me (as most of them are, bits and pieces of my life strung together in hopes that others will find some commonality with them and also maybe some peace, comfort, justice, people will find whatever they are looking for, for themselves in lyrics, which is part of the beauty and tragedy of music). I could try to tell a story, but the way I write is usually so convoluted things will be misread, but I try to spread the light where I can. It's a racing track that ebbs and flows in arrangement, builds to a crescendo and then subsides. This song became very personal to me this year, after discovering my long lost Father (whom I have never known), literally finding myself.

9. How wais the vibe in the studio?
Ammee: The studio experience is like nothing else. It's putting the sword to the stone so to speak. We were very fortunate to have caught the ear of another recording artist and mixer named Cedrick Courtois, who literally took our project and gave it wings. Being in the studio with him at the helm is an electrifying and humbling experience. He's very good at what he does, and he's great at bringing it out of you. So the studio is really an amazing experience. It's creative heat.
10. Have you been road testing any of the new material? If so, how have audiences reacted to the new material?
Ammee: We will actually be starting to "road-test" the projected single off our next album (which we are currently writing for and doing some pre-production) in our next couple shows. It's called Peace Is (a play on words). It’s a song about being broken, but how there is some peace in that. It's become very close to my heart and is sure to showcase the power of the band, and I also think will show our natural progression in sound from the first to the sophomore releases.
11. What else can we see from SweetEverAfter?
Ammee: Well, aside from writing and recording the next album we are always playing shows, spreading the word about the band and the music, and we're currently working on some video content from our Album Release in December. We will be releasing one, possibly two songs from that night and we're hoping to feature the additional content plus a bit more on the next pressing of "My Death". Stay tuned to our social media channels for more information.
WEB: http://sweeteverafter.net/
EPK: myPPK.com/get/sweeteverafter
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Sweeteverafter
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/SweetEverAfter_
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/SweetEverAfterMusic
MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/sweeteveraftermydeath
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