Landmine Marathon is in the process of writing a brand new album and will be hitting the road very soon. The band goes on to discuss this tour and what their upcoming album details are all about.
1. Tell me who you are in the band and give us a brief summary as to how Landmine Marathon came to be?
Ryan Butler - Guitars Landmine became a band when Matt (bass) and some friends decided to start a fairly grindcore band in late 2004. He asked Grace to sing, did a few demos, went a more death metal direction after the demos and the rest is history.
2. So you’re going to be a part of Nasum's Farewell Tour playing a few shows what was running through your mind when you heard this news and are you thrilled?
Very stoked Nasum were a great grind band and it was so sad how Miezsko went. It will be great to be a small part of this tribute to him. Between that and Orion Fest, this summer will be amazing touring wise.
3. What are your favorite things about touring in the US?
That we get to have all our own gear and our own Van with us and have plenty of friends to help us avoid hotel fees!
4. Have you noticed the economy affecting your tour attendance or merch sales?
Touring in the US has gotten very strange. There's so much competition now because of so many bands touring. Anyone can put a demo on the internet and book a tour and then download band's records for free and not pay them for them on tour. It’s a cut tour support out of the equation for smaller bands through record labels. We still have a blast touring and will play our hearts out no matter what the attendance and always find a way to make it happen.
5. What are the largest and smallest crowds you've played in front of?
Oh, we've definitely played in front of 5 people. Everyone has. If they tell you they haven't, they're probably lying. We've done some 1,000-2,000 person shows with this band, but the Orion Fest will most likely take the cake.
6. What was the first concert you attended as a fan?
My father took me to see Willie Nelson at 3 or 4 and they took me to too many concerts after. My first gig without my folks was S.N.F.U. at the Silver Dollar Club in Phoenix in like 91. I was 15 and it was rad.
7. Any tour horror stories?
Jesus, where do I start? The last tour we did was nonstop horror. Had some problems at home, Kevill from Warbringer, broke my ribs being a goofball, I hit Warbringer's trailer with our trailer and ripped both of our fenders off, the drives were insane, I got a horrible sinus infection, someone hacked my credit card blah blah blah. Haha. Could be way worse, though and we all steed safe!
8. Have you ever had an incident happen again and again when it comes to a tour?
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but there's stuff that happens nonstop on tour. It's the best worst time you'll ever have. People say creepy stuff about Grace nonstop.

I'm not an original member, but I think I was at the first show here at the Phix in Phoenix.
10. What band did you have the best time touring with?
Oh, I have no idea. Over my life I've had great times with Skeletonwitch, Fall Silent, Book of Black Earth, Withered, Warbringer, Darkest Hour, Phobia etc. etc. The camaraderie you get with these bands on the road is unmatched.
11. What the best prank you’ve played on bandmates or other bands?
We used to mess with Grace with snake stuff all the time cause she's super scared of them. On our last tour, our drummer brought out some real snakes that were at a venue and she flipped out. We'll never do that again.
12. How has the band’s sound evolved from Wounded to Gallows?
Well, original guitarist, Mike Waldron wrote most of Wounded and I've written most of everything since. I've definitely brought a more punk element to it, but we've since added soloing and Grace's vocals have become more death metal.
13. Was your songwriting and recording process any different than usual for this CD?
We've kind of had a formula that works great. We'd crank out a bunch of songs over a few months, start tracking, Grace would finish lyrics, and we'd record over a four or five month period. It's all going to change now that we have an out of state drummer, though. Raul Varela from Impaled is our new drummer and writing will be a bit more of an effort electronically as I will have to come up with drum tracks and ideas for him to jump off with as well.
14. What inspired the album title? Is it a concept album?
The album is based on middle age European folk lore and includes the evilest lyrics Grace has ever penned.
15. What are your expectations for the CD?
It's already surpassed what I expected. It's been so well received and is one of the few albums that I've written that I really love every track on.
16. Anything else you’d like to say or promote?
We'll see you guys all on tour this summer with Nasum and headlining, as well as at the Orion Fest June 23/24th. Europe, we will be seeing you later this year! Thanks so much for the interview!
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