Tangent Transmission’s Discusses Musical Desires and Meaning to What they Do!

Tangent Transmission has got a debut EP entitled “Pull” out and about and the band recently caught up with us to discuss this debut release along with what the band’s musical inspiration is, how music keeps them going and what more can we expect to see from these up-and-comers.

1. Tangent Transmission what does this name symbolize for the band and what is the story behind it?

Originally our band was called Pull.  Our manager at the time strongly insisted we change the name to something a little more unique.  Tangent Transmission was the name of one of our songs, which is now called "Self Acquisition."  After a couple days of brainstorming new names I (Sam) had the idea of using Tangent Transmission as our bands name and Dugan loved it. 

2. You released your debut EP "Pull" and had the chance to work with producer Matt Hyde what was that experience like?

Working with Matt was definitely a life changing experience.  He does such amazing work and it’s really great to have someone you really trust right there helping you out.  He's been on so many amazing records that when he says something you just gota hear it haha.  If he says great job you can feel really great about yourself and if he says this sucks then you know you have to make some changes.  Aside from playing music, he is one of the most down to earth people in the world.  We spent a lot of time just playing video games and hanging out talking.

3. Do you think you will work with him again when your full-length begins production?

We definitely hope to work with him on our next project. Whether it is a full length, an EP or even just a single you just got to wait and see what’s up.

4. What is new in the recording of your music?

We have quite a few new songs that we are really excited to record.  As for when we're going to record them we really couldn't tell you as of right now.  If you want to hear them you'll just have to come to one of our shows.

5. Who are your musical and non-musical influences?

Our influences are endless.  With Music however, a few that never seem to leave us are... Muse, Radiohead, Tool, RX Bandits, Incubus, Joe Satriani, Greg Howe, Queen, Children of Bodom, Foxy Shazam, Jeff Buckley, and Stevie Wonder. Our non-musical influences are usually tenacious individuals that move us in some way. Whether that be George Carlin, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or the unsung heroes in our schools, at red-cross, in our police and fire-fighting divisions, or on the bus helping out the elderly. We dig people that remind us that humans need humans.

6. Who writes the songs, what are they about?

Our song writing is definitely a very collaborative process.  Usually, Dugan will come to us with a rough outline for a song and we'll expand on it together. One of the best and worst things about our songs is that they’re all pretty different. There are reoccurring themes of indifference, heartbreak, and unity. Most of the songs have really specific meanings though, so it’s hard to pigeon-hole it. For instance, our song “Plates” is about a wife in a failing marriage that finds cathartic relief through smashing the family’s most expensive china plates.

7. Why did you want to go and call your EP "Pull" and is it a concept album?

"Pull" is not a concept album.  As stated earlier, Pull was originally the name of our band so we just thought it would be a cool title for our first album. 

8. How did you sell your CD’s/Audio Files?

All our music is available to download for free.  If you wish to have a physical copy, we have them for sale on our website or you can buy one at one of our shows.

9. How do you promote your band and shows?

Social media is definitely a huge one. Facebook and Twitter can be especially great for letting fans know when we have a show coming up.  We also like to get together with our Street Team and spend a day or so putting up flyers and doing whatever we can to promote. 

10. Describe your show, visual and musically.

We've had people tell us that when they come to one of our shows they feel like they're being told a story from beginning to end. The beauty of it is that everyone has their own interpretation of it.  We also try to put out as much energy as possible, make people laugh and just do whatever we can to make the audience feel a connection to the music while having a blast.  As far as visually we have recently been working on set design to create a “modern-tribal” theme to the show. It’s still in its infancy, but we really excited to work on our live shows being the best part of our work as a band.

11. What inspires you to do what you do?

We all live pretty different lives and continue to inspire one another. There’s also the fact that at one point in the space-time-continuum, everything existed as one piece of mass. That’s pretty cool.

12. What advice would you give to fellow bands?

All we can say is just do it because you love it and not for any other reason and don't get discouraged, success DOES NOT happen overnight.   

13. How does music affect you and the world around you?

That’s a big one. I am sure we’ve each got our own individual answers too. For me (Dugan) music is this language of invisible vibrations that floats through the air and hits our bodies in different ways depending on the combination of notes and patterns designed. Music can take a sunset and entirely dictate the mood of it. Music either changes the mood of my reality, or amplifies it.

14. How do you describe your music to people?

It’s a combination of Muse, Tool, and Rage w/ Jeff Buckley as a singer.

15. What else can we expect to see from you and is there anything else you'd like to say?

You can expect to see us playing more shows, putting out more visual art, and continuing our growth as a band. Our next show will be May 12th at Amplyfi in Hollywood.  We're playing with other great artists such as, Nyla Hammond, Niantic and Rozzi Crane.  Also, we're hoping to be recording again soon so be on the lookout for that.  As far anything else we want to say, we love everyone that has supported us in the last couple years more than we can express in words.  Thank you so much!

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