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Monday, December 17, 2012

Reason's Be Holiday Plans!

Spending the holiday season as any other person would this time of the year, Reasons Be isn't any different. Find out what the guys had to say about their upcoming holiday plans for the rest of this year!

1. What are you doing for the holidays?

R.E.L: I am going on a couple of 3-day vacations… nothing special. Hey, with all that’s happening, I gotta be around right?

Scotty: I'm gonna fly home to Wisconsin for Christmas and New Years.  Spend some time with friends and fam, then back to LA to get back to the Be!

2. This Halloween season I did what?

R.E.L: Oh man! My date and I went to a club dressed like Han Solo and Princess Leia! Check the Facebook page for the picture! People loved it and were taking pictures with us throughout the night. We did find a couple more Hans and Leias but they weren't as good as ours.

Scotty: This Halloween I was filming a movie; so I literally wrapped for the day, met up with my brother Billy and his lady friend Nesto who hails from a great land.  We proceeded to drive to Chicago to go to a party, which left me with an hour and a half of sleep before my 6am call time the next morning.  Classy with a side of regret!

3. Did you dress up this year?

R.E.L: see question 2, HA!

Scotty: I always dress up. I was really tired this year so I left my costume in the hands of my brother and his lady lover.  They whipped up a nice lil' Chippendales costume for me.  After cutting my jeans way too short for comfort, "borrowing" pieces of my Dad's tuxedo and letting my hair flow in the winds, it worked quite well. ha.

4. What is your favorite Halloween candy or treat?

R.E.L: chocolate????

Scotty: I LOVE Caramel Nestle Treasures!

5. What are you thankful for?

 R.E.L: Health, family and of course Reasons Be!

Scotty: I have to agree with R.E.L on this one.  Family first, then health, our FANS and Reasons Be.  I am also very thankful for beer, life, cows and other food, trees, my career, randomness, movies, beaches, ladies, music, a million other things, and good, down-to-earth people. And of course, I'm thankful to the Big Guy in the Sky.

6. Do you have a favorite dish for Thanksgiving or do you enjoy everything?

R.E.L: yeah I just like food so fill my plate up!

Scotty: I love my Dad's turkey and my Mom & Grandma's side dishes... nothing else compares... except for my besty Scott and his wife Daniella's oh so delicious Thanksgiving feasts.

7. Who's the one who eats the most when it comes to the holiday season?

R.E.L: I have not yet had the pleasure of celebrating with Scotty so I am unsure.

Scotty: R.E.L's response is true, though I eat an abnormal amount of food.  I can out-eat a 300 lb man without a problem so whenever R.E.L wants to challenge me I'll be waiting.  And oh yes, we shall film it and post it for all to see the outcome!

8. Do you or have you gone shopping on Black Friday, if so what did you find and buy?

R.E.L: Listen, Black Friday is SO overrated. Why wait in line for 3 days to save some money? If you would simply go to work and then buy the item at the original price YOU'LL GET THE BETTER DEAL!
Now Cyber Monday - that's where it's at...

Scotty: Last Thanksgiving my buddies and I went to Wal-Mart at around 5 in the morning.  The line was wrapped around the entire building so we just sat in the car and watched people get trampled when the doors opened.  Yeah R.E.L and I were just talking about that actually.  We believe in the working for a week rather than pitching a tent route.

9. When it comes to the holiday season does the band all get together or does everyone do their own thing?

R.E.L: Well based on when started Reasons Be, we have only had one holiday season, which we didn't spend together, so it is yet to be determined what the standard will be. But that said, I am sure Scotty and I will share the turkey many times in the future.

Scotty: Absolutely.  Sharin' turkey.

10. What is your favorite Christmas song to sing and why?

R.E.L: I won't know because I'm Jewish, but if you had asked me about Chanukah… well I would name a bunch of stuff in Hebrew and no one would know what I am saying.

Scotty: Mele Kalikimaka.  Because it is Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you.  It brings back amazing memories of Christmas Eve's with my Mom, Dad, bro, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Jim in the little ol' town of Green Bay, WI.  And, of course, you have to try to sound like Bing!

11. One thing you really want for Christmas is what?

R.E.L: The one thing I really want for CHANUKAH is… hmmm… a surprise!

Scotty: Well I have 8 presents for R.E.L (not really fair but it's tradition).  Hmmm a present??... I really just want to spend time with the people I love in this world.  I know it sounds sappy but I like chick flicks and romantic comedies. ha.

12. Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

R.E.L: Why are there no Chanukah questions? I would've aced this test!

Scotty: Absolutely.  Haven't you seen The Santa Claus?  Proof.  And I also know Santa very well.  I run into him all the time at malls during the holidays.

13. What type of Christmas tree do you prefer white or green or your own version?

R.E.L: I prefer a dradle.

Scotty: I prefer a real Junirperus Viginiana, known to most folks as the Eastern Red Cedar.  This tree has dark leaves and a shiny, green color.  It is sticky to the touch and has an intoxicating scent of Christmasy joy.  It is typically a southern Christmas tree, but I enjoy having them shipped in from across the land.  The finishing touch is "flocking" the Junirperus Viginiana, or otherwise covering it with fake snow to fool the mind into thinking it just snowed in the house.  It gets me every time.

14. Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?

R.E.L: Well I do get presents for other people for Xmas and I am a VERY LATE shopper.

Scotty: I'm betting R.E.L and I will run into each other at the mall on Christmas Eve.

15. One thing you have to do on New Years Eve?

R.E.L: Kiss on midnight!

Scotty: Whoa easy, R.E.L... I like making music with you but... man I guess I have some thinking to do.  Personally, my peeps and I always eat a traditional herring at midnight.  It's gross but necessary to bring luck and blissfulness to the New Year.  You have to make sure you drank enough to not remember the taste in the morning.

16. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

R.E.L: Yes… and I can't believe I am saying this in an interview but - R.E.L! It's time to be MORE PRODUCTIVE!

Scotty: I am going to try to do more to help people who are less fortunate and make our publicist happy by getting into really great shape.  I also want to go to church more and make sure I'm behaving to an extent.

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