Los Angeles, Californians Almost Classy bring a unique blend of pop-rock exposing a wide range of musical backgrounds from numerous acts, hence the used their tactics to perform at some iconic venues and even write and record an EP. Composed of Aaron Bernbach (Vocals, Rhythm Guitar), Rob Cunliffe (Vocals, Lead Guitar), Devin McNichol (Vocals, Bass) and Ian Lowe (Drums); these guys got the upbeat and energetic methods to their advantage. Bandmats Aaron Berbach (vocals, rhythm guitar) and Rob Cunliffe (vocals, lead guitar) took the time to discuss this EP and the band themselves.
1. What type of band are you?
We are a Rock-Pop Band, influenced by every genre of rock on the spectrum.
2. Tell us the brief history of your band.
Almost Classy was formed by Aaron Bernbach and Rob Cunliffe in 2010 when we were reunited Los Angeles. Over the years that followed we have honed our sound and built a solid fan base. In early 2012 we added, Bass player and back up vocalist, Devin McNichol. Soon after we added, drummer, Ian Lowe. Since the addition of these two key players we have reached new levels of creativity and success. We will continue spreading our music and easy living life style with anyone and everyone!
3. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
Our songs range from twisted love songs about two killers, to songs about artists trying to achieve their dreams, to songs about prostitutes.We tend to find the positive in most of our song topics, and try to convey the upbeat attitudes that in many ways our band is built upon. We cover a great many themes including Love, Sex, Faith and Hope.
4. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
Yes, we write all of our own songs. For each song the process is different, it usually starts with an idea from either Rob or Aaron. Whether it is a melody, tasty riff, or poetic lyrics that hit home. From there we will bring the idea to the rest of the band who will put there own spin on it. The idea grows overtime being influenced by each member. Some songs will take hours to get near perfect, while others will take months even years until we are completely happy with it.

Our influences are an eclectic bunch; The Beatles, The Foo Fighters, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, The Killers, Led Zepplin, Queen, Young the Giant, The Black Keys, Dispatch, Guster, Sublime, O.A.R. and the list goes on and on.
6. What can you tell me about this new EP of yours?
We spent nearly 1 year to the day recording it. It is a product of hard work, a whole lot of fun, and some amazing contributions of time from some really great friends. We couldn't be happier with the final product! We think it really shows you who we are, in an eclectic nature, and also let's you in on what's to come in some very subtle ways. We are super excited and can't wait for people to hear it.
7. Why did you want to self-title this EP? Is this EP a concept release?
We self-titled the EP because it is our Introduction to the world, and like we said before, that intro is a little eclectic. We decided to be a touch less specific, as that is the nature of the record. Also, we felt like using the name ALMOST CLASSY is the best way to portray us as a band.
8. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began for this EP
Our only goal for this EP was to walk away with professional quality and radio ready songs. We wanted an EP that we were proud of and that showed who we were as a band. (we are confident that we achieved our goal)
9. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?
We had a whole lot of fun with a B3 organ. None of us had ever played one before, we had it at our disposal, so we added some lite layers in the back round to give the songs a nice warm feel. Also, just to have the freedom to experiment with different guitars, amps, and sounds really brought some nice variety into the record.
10. Why should we check out this EP and what sets it apart from everyone else?
Our goal with our music is to bring a smile to your face. Put the EP in your car, go for a drive and just try not to sing along. we dare you! We have a familiar sound but it cant quite be pin pointed, consider this a challenge, listen to it with some friends each of you write down a band or two that we "sound like" and we guarantee you will all have a different bands written down.
11. How do you describe your music to people?
We describe our music as Rock-Pop. Catchy choruses with powerful melodies and harmonies.
12. What image do you think your music conveys?
Our music conveys the image of a great night out with friends.
13. How did you guys come up with your band name?
After weeks of deliberation and argument, we were in our friends kitchen continuing the discussion of band names (our friend had the little word and letter magnets covering her fridge). Rob slapped his hand on the fridge over the magnets. He dragged his hand down the length of the fridge taking all of the magnets with it... all except "almost" "class" and a "y". We looked at each other, looked at the fridge and immediately knew that it fit us perfectly.

New songs, new videos and new recordings! We love playing live and will play more and more. Also check us out on Balcony TV!
15. Is that your final answer?
We didn't realize we were on who wants to be a millionaire, but Yes! We do one way want to be millionaires, and YES! that is our final answer.
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