North Carolina's southern gothic heavy psych act Bloody Hammers has blended together a unique creation on their own accord and thus a self-titled release was made and bassist and vocalist Anders Manga discusses the act that is Bloody Hammers.
1. What type of band are you?
Anders: Hmm... we I guess we are just a simple hard rock band. There are so many little boxes and we've been put in many of them... stoner, doom, retro, proto metal (whatever that is), goth rock... we just play the songs that we write and like and ditch the ones we don't, it's really that simple. We're not trying to be retro or any of these things. Just whatever happens, happens.
2. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
Anders: I've been writing and recording for so many years. Hard rock, electronic music... whatever I feel like at the time. My wife Devallia who plays organ/synths helps me out quite a bit as well. I had a few songs on the Bloody Hammers album finished on my hard drive for a while and finally I just decided I needed to write more and finish it. 6 or 7 more songs came to me pretty quick. It was nice creative burst where everything just came together without force. When I was finished, I put it up on bandcamp and figured that was about as far as it would go. However, the feedback was really good very quickly and labels started mailing. I ended up going with Soulseller Records out of the Netherlands who are really good people.
Next, I got a band together and now taking it wherever it takes us. We're having a good time.

Anders: It was really a homage to Roky Erickson who is a real hero to me and one of my favorites. He is a southern psychedelic rock legend and brilliant songwriter. "Bloody Hammer" was a track on his self titled "Roky Erickson and the Aliens" album from 1980.
4. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
Anders: In addition to Roky there are so many. Alice Cooper, Bauhaus, Black Sabbath, Coil, Pentagram, Rozz Williams, John Lennon, Rush, there really are so many.
5. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Anders: The debut album was really all inspired by horror. Each song is a little short horror story inspired by urban legends, campfire tales or weird bible stories.
6. Who writes the songs?
Anders: I am the main songwriter but my wife Devallia acts as a producer. She tells me what sucks and what doesn't. We agree 97% of the time.
7. How did you get signed with SoulSeller Records? Are you happy with the results they have to offer?
Anders: So far so good. Jorn just hit me up one day after I uploaded the album to bandcamp. He's pretty proactive and aggressive. Super nice guy as well.
8. Why did you want to self-titled your debut album? Would you say that this is a concept album?
Anders: It was the first album so self-titled seemed to be a good introduction. There is no recurring concept but there is an overall horror theme.
9. Was your songwriting and recording process any different than usual for this CD?

10. What are your expectations for the CD?
Anders: I expect some people to like and some people to not like it. It's all subjective. We're lucky so far there has been more good than bad.
11. What can the fans expect to see from you in the future?
Anders: New album is all written and will likely see a release in 2013.We have lots of touring planned as well. I hope to meet lots of cool folks out there.
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