Device's Virus Embraces Us

Disturbed's hiatus has somewhat tided over the fans since David Draiman's new project Device was made. With that, you get Disturbed version 2.0 some are calling it, thus Draiman took what would be a single for a soundtrack into a full-length self-titled debut, making the industrial scene grow ever so further with his own classy take and style of it. Guitarist Virus was the one who took the time to discuss the band and how the current touring trek is going for everybody and what plans these guys have lined-up.

1. How did Device form?

Virus: The band wasn't really a band at first Geno had reached out to David to do a song for a soundtrack and did it having so much fun, so David had so much fun and wanted to do an album and make it a band so Will and myself got together and here we are.

2. Why is this band a 3-piece? Do you feel the pressure of it just being the three of you?

Virus: That's a good question, I like that it's a 3-piece I was cautious at first but thought of it as seeing the bands that I love like The Police and others, it's a power industrial trio and I embrace it. It's good to be different.

3. How did you guys get signed to Warner Bros Records?

Virus: Well Disturbed is on there so connect the dots.
4. Could you describe the song writing process? What comes first – the music or the lyrics?

Virus: David and I do write similarity, coming up with the music first then bending melodies going between chords then plug in words and lyrics last which is difficult and painful but it's what me and David like to do.

5. What would you say is most different about this album?
Virus: I do think that some songs are a bit Disturbed based but its track heavy and industrial definitely, but for me I am looking for good music and good songs, so when I first heard the album I was in. So that's the important thing for me, if the songs are there. What makes it different is a lot of bands don't make albums anymore, they make singles then put it altogether onto an album. So with this album front to back it's different on each song which is awesome so it's different in itself.

6. With your new album you decided to go Self-Titled. Do you feel that's a big statement? Band's tend to name their albums self-titled when they feel it's indicative of the sound they've been trying to craft. Do you feel this is the sound you've been trying to achieve with the band?

Virus: I know that sometimes bands want to define their brand so to just self titled it, it's a brand and we want to make it bigger.

7. How is the tour currently going for you guys?
Virus: The touring is going great! We're being embraced by all of the fans, it's being reflected by the albums we're selling and how great the shows have been so it's been amazing so far!

8. What song would you say is your favorite to play live?

Virus: I love playing the single because people go off and nuts about it, it's just amazing from that energy because of what you're playing then you have your own favorites but I'd sure the others have their favorites as well.

9. Where else does the band plan to tour?

Virus: Well we're confirmed for Gigantour this summer.
10. What plans do you have for the rest of the year?

Virus: We're going to be just touring, more tours are coming.

11. Anything else you'd like to say or add?

Virus: Yeah thanks for reaching out to Device!

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