Skid Row's The Snake is the Underdog of the Bunch

Heavy metal rockers Skid Row has been around for almost 30 years, now years later they still got it and have a series of EPs in the making with the first chapter entitled "United World Rebellion Chapter 1". Guitarist and backing vocalist Dave Sabo known as "The Snake" took some time to discuss this release and just how much the band has meant to him through the years.

1. You guys have been a band for almost 30 years what comes to mind?

Snake: 30 years? I had no clue in all honesty when Rachel and I first started the band in 1986, we had always felt that we'd still be playing, writing, and be friends together for as long as possible, if not since the first time we could pick up a guitar and bass it's just been an incredible reaction and feeling. Hopefully the fans will react well to the new songs as they have to the old ones. It's been such a long time 24 years since our first album was released, I just look back at it all with such respect.

2. How did you guys come up with your band name?

Snake: In all honesty it was one of the hardest things to come up with, at the time we were driving down the road and trying to avoid an accident skidding the road, and I said let's call the band "Skids" or "Skid Mark" jokingly then said let's call it "Skid Row" we were laughing at it then knew 10 minutes later that was the name for the band.

3. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

Snake: I think that a lot of what we approach and talk about is individuality and community. It's not about the band, the barrier, and then the audience when we play shows, it's more about community and being in concert with one another. We've always been underdogs as far as the band goes and we base our rep on our shows, so no matter the venue or where we're playing we always give it all we got to the audience. They have always sensed that about us and have adopted us as their band so it's very humble so all of our messages is positive and always will be.

4. How would you describe your style? Which bands influenced your music?

Snake: I think we're a pretty aggressive hard rock band with some heavy metal involved. There have been so many influences brought in a lot of things in common as well like Kiss, Van Halen, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, The Ramones, even influenced by Motown, old R&B, and Soul records, it goes all across the board for us.

5. Was your songwriting and recording process any different than usual for this EP?

Snake:  Yeah there was a lot less pressure and it was different for us to do. It was one of those things of where we took that pressure off and wanted to do an idea of having the music be a constant flow so with these EPs we're able to keep someone's attention span there because in this day and age it's hard to do that. If we had gone into the studio to record a album with 12-14 songs on it; you're stuck with that recording while you tour so we had thought of releasing EPs instead with 5-6 songs then tour and go back into the studio record and release another one and tour again. You're keeping contact with the people out there keeping their interest and attention span last a bit longer. So far it has kept the price down on buying records and working in the studio as well as give us a lot of flexibility it seemed like the right thing to do and allow us to have a lot of different angles to work with.

6. This is of course the first chapter in this EP series but how many EPs plan to be in this series? When the series is completed do you plan to release everything together?

Snake: There are going to be 3 in this series. First one comes out in a few days and in 5 months the second one and then in another 5 months or so the third one. From there we will see how far the series can go. Eventually it's open to a lot of different things box set, vinyl, picture disc, who knows many some DVD it will be something special and different to go with the EPs.

7. How has the band’s sound evolved from Revolutions per Minute to United World Rebellion?

Snake: Oh my gosh! I think what happened was that we had taken that pressure off and reacted to each other in a natural way of tossing ideas around. So that essence of the band went back to how things were when we had done our "Slaves to the Grind" release.

8. What are your expectations for the EP?

Snake: I don't have any never do with our releases. I just hope people react in a positive manner and enjoy what we're doing. It's more of a complement of what people say about your music or purchase something you've created is some of the highest flattering I can receive and hope we can touch people with our music.

9. What are your plans for this year?

Snake: We're just going to be touring and recording just keeping our fan base interested in us and gain some new fans along the way as well so that's pretty much it.

10. Anything else you'd like to say to your fans out there?

Snake:  Just the fact that we're very humble that people still come out to see us and sing along with the songs. I just can't imagine a life without all of that support. Our first EP in this series will be coming out and we hope people enjoy it.

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