Alternative grunge corpse rock n' rollers Soul Thrower has been around a short time, but while that may be true, they have already succeeded in releasing material including two albums "The End of Your Days" (2012) and "The Beginning of Dark Nights" (2014) and a hit single entitled "Skeleton Dance". Two of the members Val Tvoar (lead guitar, backing vocals) and Daner (vocals) discuss their latest single and album and the plans they have for this year and many more to follow!
1. First off, please introduce yourself and what you do in the band.
Val: Hi I'm Val and I play guitar and do the backing vocals. I am also the founder of the band.
Daner: I sing and write lyrics.
2. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
Val: It all happened around 2011 when I started to record my first solo album. I asked Daner to sing one song, and it sounded so cool that I had to rearrange all the songs and the whole concept of the album. I just didn't want this album to just a solo album - I wanted it to be more, I want it to be bigger. So, here we are - we have released two great albums, we've done great shows and things are getting better and better.
3. How did you guys come up with your band name?
Val: In Estonia, we have a saying about a person who's dying or has just died - "hingeheitja" ... the simple translation is "Soul Thrower". Imagine that the body has thrown the soul out of it.
Daner: I instantly connected with the band name when I heard it, having nothing to do with death, but this concept of unleashing your energy. I have always pictured my soul flowing out of my body when I sing.
4. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
Val: Probably the 80's metal music has inspired me the most - "the big 4" of Iron Maiden, Testament, Metallica, etc. I listened to music all the time, and now most of those LP's are inside my head - I don't need an MP3 player with me when I go out! And then Seattle came along. Daner and I both just love the music that came out of there. Today, I have combined these two influences, resulting in Soul Thrower, and I'm very happy with the result.
5. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Daner: Our art is about the fight, the battle against an invader. I write about strength and stubborn perseverance, and I want others to feel that in our sound, too.
6. What brought you guys together initially in 2011 with the debut album and how have you seen the band'’s trajectory leading up to the new record?

Val: Daner and I are constantly working with new songs. I do the demos in Estonia and send these to Daner in the States. We are already working with the next album, as we speak, and we're targeting a 2015 release.
7. Where did you find yourself consciously during the writing process for The Beginning of Dark Nights? Is there a specific headspace you try to get in when writing, and what does that entail?
Val: I'm working with my songs every day - cutting, rearranging, deleting, redoing... That's what's in my head 24/7. My head is a music factory. I wrote 'The Beginning of Dark Nights' songs in a few weeks, but the rest of the process took a year.
Daner: When I'm writing lyrics, I sit in total, absolute solitude and visualize a physical or emotional struggle and describe what I imagine it would feel like or look like. I scribble on a page from a stream of consciousness, a technique I learned from a good friend of mine in Nashville, and then I go back later to pull out the things that really make me feel something.
8. How long did you spend writing and recording the record? Was the recording process different than your previous recordings?
Val: The process of the both albums have been the same. I do the demos and send them to Daner. He works with the lyrics and does his vocals. Then we just digest it, make edits, and we're ready to hit the studio.
9. What's your favorite song on the album right now?
Daner: I wouldn't keep anything on the album I don't love, so a favorite is incredibly tough to choose. The one that resonates the most with me sonically is probably gore.
Val: I love them all but I guess my favorite is Needle. It's so groovy and deep.
10. Why did you want to have "Skeleton Dance" as your first single?
Val: Actually, this song was strategically removed the first album. It just didn't fit there, but it's an excellent first single to introduce the new album. It's very simple and catchy.
11. What’s the touring cycle going to be like for The Beginning of Dark Nights?

12. What other plans do you guys have for this year?
Val: Work work work...! Writing new songs and maybe record at least half of the next album, and of course all the continued promotional work for the album just released.
13. Is there anything else you would like to say or want to add on?
Val: Yeah, I just wanna thank the people who have supported us so far, including you! If anyone reading this thinks they can help, please let us know! Any kind of help in your region is more than welcome. Our music is unique, personal, and powerful, and we think the world will want to hear it! See You at the show!
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