PRITZ Korea's Version of BabyMetal

Pritz has broken out upon the scene being a resemblance to that of BabyMetal having a similar look and style. says "It didn't take long for somebody to realize the formula of a capable group of metal musicians fronted by young females has money written all over it and if any scene could rival Japan's pop scene it's the Korean pop scene (K-Pop)." From viewing their video for the song "솔아솔아 (sorasora)" their attire resembles that to Nazi outfits, the band is already dealing with backlash for their outfits, the groups management have denied these claims saying "the thought never crossed their minds which seems so ludicrous. This is a big oiled machine and nobody noticed this??"

The Daily Mall asked the management to explain the logo and they said: "According to Pandagram, the logo was inspired by traffic signs, with black numbers written on white circles surrounded by red. The X-shape has arrowheads at the end to symbolise Pritz's ambitions of expanding 'without a limit in four directions,' according to the company's representative."

Some have compared the logo to the anti-semetic Hungarian Arrow Cross Party.

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