The B Movie Monster's Van Heller Plays Let's Play 20 Questions Sort Of

Horror rockers The B Movie Monsters have developed their own take on the horror movie genre and music genre combined. Their style like many other horror acts around may be in similarity but these guys have crafted their own creation. Having released two full-length albums and plans on writing new material, with further plans on playing shows as well as touring, these guys will keep at it for as long as horror is alive and well! Frontman vocalist/guitarist Van Heller discusses the band's progress with the new material and the future touring activity in-store!

1. First of all, who are you, and what do you do in the band?

Van: I am Van Heller, songwriter, vocalist and guitarist of the B Movie Monsters

2. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

Van: The band started back in 2007 with the idea of writing songs about horror films mixed with punk rock. over the years our sound evolved into what it is today.

3. Which bands influence your music?

Van: There is a wide variety of styles that influence our music. I like to take my influence more from film than music. The reason for this answer would be that, my music actually sounds very little like the music I listen to.

4. How would you describe your style?

Van: The way I try to describe it to people who haven't heard it is, it's like if Green Day and Rob Zombie had a baby and it was raised by Boris Karloff.

5. Why horror punk/rock music?

Van: The darker side of music has always appealed to me.

6. What is it about the horror theme that appealed the most to you, that you wanted to take it and use it towards your musical traits?

Van: Some of my earliest memories were of my family watching the old creature features together on the weekends. It's one of my fondest memories of my childhood. I loved watching the universal monsters' movies and to this day they are still some of my favorite films. I wanted to mix the 2 things that I love, music and movies. I wanted to make monster music.

7. If you had to pick one all time favorite horror movie, book, toy, comic book, etc. Which would you pick and why?

Van: It's a toss up between 1931 Dracula with Bela Lugosi or 1931 Frankenstein with Boris Karloff. Both great films and to this day are unmatched.

8. Why did you want to go with calling yourselves the B Movie Monsters?

Van: I wanted a name that would describe the band perfectly, so that there would be no misconceptions on what you are about to listen to.

9. Which B movie horror flicks do you think are the good, the bad, or even both?

Van: I love the atomic age films from the 50's a lot, Them is a great film. I also like Robot Monster, Ro-Man is a good villain.

10. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?

Van: The majority of our songs are actually about film. It's like giving our listeners my take on what the films were to me. Also, it's a good way to get people more involved by watching the films I am writing about, if they haven't seen them.

11. In your promo photos you guys go all out with the make-up, blood, the whole works. Does this also come into your live shows and tours as well?

Van: A lot of what you see in the photos is what you will see live. It's a high energy show that involves a lot of different aspects of horror. It's never the same show twice.

12. Speaking of shows and touring, you will be hitting the road in Spring 2016 with The Other on the Atrocities Tour. How do you know the guys in The Other?

Van: Yes, we are very excited to hit the road with these guys. I love the visual aspect they put into their live shows and they are, in my opinion, one of the best bands in the genre, if not THE best.
We are fortunate to share the bill with these guys nightly. We met originally like most bands do these days, through social media. turns out we have a lot of mutual friends.

13. What do you think of their take on the horror genre in the music scene?

Van: I think they are brilliant. One of my favorite videos of theirs would be Lover's Lane. Great song great video. If I were to suggest a song to someone who hadn't heard them, it would be that one.

14. Can you describe your show, visually and musically for those who may have not seen you live before?

Van: Very energetic, visually and musically. We believe in giving the people what they pay for. A horror show to be remembered.

15. How do you promote your band and shows?

Van: Mostly through online mediums such as, Facebook, ReverbNation, Twitter and our website. Occasionally through flyers and word of mouth.

16. What can the fans expect from this tour, what will the set-up and setlist look like?

Van: Now, we can't give away our secrets. we have to keep some mystery to it. I will say this though, it's not something that you would want to miss.

17. Are you in the process of working on any new material?

Van: Yes, we are! I've began writing the next album and it's coming along very well. We are hoping to introduce a new song or two during our set.

18. What will we be seeing this time around an EP or another full-length album?

Van: It will be another full length album. although, we are working on some covers for an EP it's release date is undetermined.

19. How would you describe the overall sound of the new material? How does it compare to your previous works?

Van: It's comparable to our last album, 1313. it's some of the best music I have ever written. I'm very much looking forward to getting back into the studio.

20. When can we expect the new material to be released?

Van: We are hoping to have something new released by summer of 2016. Which is a very achievable goal since most of the album is already written.

21. Are you guys signed to a label?

Van: Our first disc was released on Robot Monster Records, our second was completely DIY. We may shop some demos to some labels to get label backing for the 3rd release.

22. If you aren't what should labels/zines/promoters know about your band? Why should they be interested in it?

Van: We stray from the norm when it comes to our sound. There is no one in this genre that sounds like us. We have some catchy songs that will get you singing along but, make you cringe when you realize what you are singing.

23. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Van: All of our merchandise and music is available at you can hear us on our social media sites as well, Facebook, Reverbnation, etc.

24. What plans do you have for the near future as a band?

Van: I hope to finish writing the new album soon and getting back into the studio. We wanna give the fans something new to listen to.

25. Do you have any last words for fans, or potential new fans?

Van: Don't do drugs, watch horror films and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all very soon on the road! Thanks for listening!

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