Montreal, QC's Death Lullaby have released their debut album "Wormz" via Famined Records, and the band has already got some shows in support of their release, but the band goes back in discussing how the album, it's singles, videos, and all of the above, came together.
1. Let’s get started by introducing Death Lullaby to our readers. Who is Death Lullaby and how did you guys get started?
Before DL, we were all in different bands and we decided to form a killer lineup and give birth to Death Lullaby.
2. Why did you want to go with calling yourselves Death Lullaby?
Because it's the soundtrack of your death!
3. If Death Lullaby, were to cover a Children's Lullaby, which one would you pick and why?
People = Shit by Slipknot. Being young, we were all fans of Slipknot and we often play this song for fun.
4. How would Death Lullaby, create their own take on a Children's Lullaby?
That's actually what we did with our EP and debut album.
5. You released two singles with two accompanying videos for "Renegade" and "Wormz". Can you discuss these said singles and or videos and why they were picked?

6. Those tunes can be found upon your debut album "Wormz", what's it like having finally a debut album within your grasp? Did you think this time and or day would ever arrive?
We put a lot of time and energy to prepare the release of our first album. It was a long process. The album was recorded at ''The Grid Studio'' in Montreal by the great Chris Donaldson (Cryptopsy). We have 3 featuring in the album including Dan Mongrain (Voivod / Martyr) and Chris Donaldson in '' Anachrony '' and our friend Fred Beaulieu (Beaheading Of A King) in '' Wormz ''.
7. How did you and Famined Records, come together, and are you happy with what they have to offer you guys?
They contacted us because someone told them about our music and the fact that we had un unreleased album in our hand.They shown us their appreciation by making an offer. After discussions, we concluded a satisfactory agreement for everyone.
8. Can you briefly explain the title of your latest release "Wormz" and give us an idea behind the concept of the album or is it not a concept album?
The idea came from our singer Sim Crow. It is an unhealthy idea that takes all the space in your head so much that it creates congestion. This is not a happy album haha. we decided to put a Z instead of S to make it our signature and to represent the metaphor.
9. Who did the artwork and how did it come about to do it in this way?
We worked with a designer friend and we already have a pre-conceived idea of what we wanted.
10. What's your take on "Wormz" as a whole?
We are really satisfied with the result. The selection of songs we've chosen to appear on the album and the recording quality made us all happy.

All of them, we are such a fan of our own stuff that we basically listen to it in repeat.. sometimes we even listen to it in reverse.... and maybe you should too...(Kidding).
12. What does the band have planned for the rest of 2016?
We are in negotiation with a US booking agency. So we want to play in new territories. Currently, we are already composing new material for the album that will follow Wormz so this is just the beginning!
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