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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sonic Syndicate's Nathan Discusses Confessions with the Changes

It's been quite sometime since the first and last time speaking with Sonic Syndicate.As time went by, so did the band, as they went on to develop changes within the band, release more albums, and tour, playing shows of course. Now they have written and recorded what is said, to be the most diverse and unique work of theirs to date, in the form of their latest album "Confessions". Frontmant vocalist Nathan J.Biggs, discusses about the latest album, and what changes the band had to face.

1. It's been 8 years, since we last spoke, us discussing your third full-length "Love and Other Disasters" (2008), since then you have released a couple of more releases, going on to change the line-up, label, and band's style and sound, why the change-up in so many ways?

Nathan: There are so many different parts that go into making a band function the way it needs to if you want to keep making music and touring the world. It's like a machine. If one part stops working the whole system stops. You need to replace the part, clean the whole machine and then get used to how it runs again. Sometimes this is more difficult than others. We aren't just machines, there is so much emotion and feelings too. But we've been lucky in Sonic that Robin and I have formed a connection that is stronger than blood. He is more than a brother and as long as he and I are breathing I know we'll always be creating music together. Michel has been more than a bass player, he's made our friendship and the band stronger than we ever thought possible. We're happy being a three piece. This trinity is Sonic Syndicate.

2. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

Nathan: The band started out in '05 basically. The genre melodic death metal was used a lot to put a name to the style. When I joined in '09 we started trying new things, new styles. Members have changed too. Although we've continued evolving, touring the world and doing what we love, we always felt a little restless, like we were waiting for something to happen. But now with the steps we've taken personally and musically we feel secure, reinvented and more alive than ever. Like how we are now is how we've always meant to be.

3. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

Nathan: How it was made doesn't seem important now. The meaning I've attached to it is "Sonic" meaning a wave of sound, i.e. the building blocks of music. Whilst "Syndicate" is a group of people united for a common interest. I see this as us, our loved ones, and our fans. It's our "Music Family". Worked out quite nicely.

4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Nathan: Our new home is Stockholm, Sweden. We all live here now and our record label and management is also here. We're a pretty close knit family now. Local bands is tricky, as a lot i liked have disbanded recently like Imber and Crucified Barbara. Check out Thunder Mother too. If you're into your death metal or house music there is a lot going on. Not a whole lot in between. But I've only been living there a year so still finding my feet with the best live music joints.

5. How would you describe your style?

Nathan: I used to try to fit into boxes and labels but it really doesn't work for me or Sonic. We're just focused on big and modern sounds but at the core it's rock music. We throw a lot of metal, house, pop, electronic, and whatever else we feel for in there. You need to listen.

6. What can be said about your latest release "Confessions", that has not already been said about it?

Nathan: It's truth. This is us. We didn't write for anybody else on this record. Music, emotions, lyrics. It's all honest. We've poured a lot of blood and took a big risk some would say, but there was nothing else we could do. This is us being ourselves and life is short so spend it doing what you love.

7. Why should people go out and pick up this release?

Nathan: We've been blessed in this day and age that we just turn on our phone or computer and can listen to anything from anyone, anywhere. As a result there are no "guilty pleasures". It's perfectly acceptable to be a fan of Louie Armstrong and Cannibal Corpse. As a result more diverse bands are coming along that encapsulate this. I'm not saying we touch those ends of the spectrum but we're creating a sound that doesn't fit into a label or genre. We've crammed a lot of awesome on this record and I know people are gonna do a double-take, tilt their head and be like "oh, this is different". Then it's too late, we will have got you hooked.

8. You went and changed the band's logo design when "We Rule the Night" (2010) was released onward, why the change of heart, for the band's logo?

Nathan: The logo has hints of the same design, but it's been reinvented. You like your clothes? Of course you do, but I bet you'll change them once in a while.

9. So will we ever see the return of the earlier styling's of Sonic Syndicate on future releases, or has that style been put to rest?

Nathan: The future is yet to be written. We didn't know how CONFESSIONS was going to turn out but it's made us the happiest we ever could be as a band and people. Who the hell knows what could happen but you can guarantee we'll have fun finding out.

10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

Nathan: We're doing a full tour of Europe with Amaranthe and Smash Into Pieces this Oct-Nov. There's talks about bringing it to the US. Let's see! But we'll definitely be touring stateside next year as we've got distribution through Sony Red and our label are behind us all the way to get out here. Support we are so grateful for and we've never had before. We're getting some nice buzz from our fans to get our butts over also.

11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

Nathan: Loads. Music videos, documentary episodes, tours, special events with the band. It's gonna be non stop from here for us.

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Nathan: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, YouTube... But head to our official website for EVERYTHING

13. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

Nathan: It's all about positivity. Even exploring some dark shit I want to show people a light at the end of the tunnel. It's all real. There's no filler on this album. And it's got an energy like nothing we've felt before.

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