Electronica, industrial, rock group Army Of The Universe, was founded back in 2008, since then they have gone on to play shows, tour, as well as write and record music, with no plans on stopping. Keyboardist Trebla (Albert Vorne) gives us a little insight into who this group is and what you can expect from their upcoming touring circuit and further plans.
1. First of all, who are you, and what do you do in the band?
Trebla: This is Trebla, the producer and keyboards player on stage. Keyboards and some other strange electronic stuff as samplers, machine drums, special audio effects, etc.
2. Can you tell us the brief history of your band?
Trebla: Back in 2009 I randomly met our singer Lord K in Milan. We discovered we both were musicians and decided to experiment a bit together in order to merge and blend our influences into one single thing, and the Army Of The Universe was born. One year later we officially added Dave, our guitar player, who was working with Lord K on a different project called Kult Of The Skull God.
3. What type of band are you?
Trebla: Hard to say...Visionary electro-rock with strong industrial influences. We do not care too much about the right definition cause we can be quite electric.
4. How did you come to get your namesake Army Of The Universe?
Trebla: I have my own story.. Lord K and I were having a drink, we both liked the “Army” idea and I came up with the Universe story, to make it sound big, collective, and epic. If you ask Lord K he has his own story which makes no sense at all.

Trebla: Everyone here would say many different things but we can agree on Faith No More, Danzig, NIN, Depeche Mode, Prodigy.
6. Who writes the songs, what are they about?
Trebla: Mostly myself and Lord K. Sometimes we go four hands too. I always come up with some beats and bass lines, then we take on and explore the song arrangements to see which concept and lyrics they deserve.
7. What have you done to prepare yourselves for the tour?
Trebla: We have actually toured Europe with Aesthetic Perfection and William Control, a nice one actually. That was the perfect gym for us to get ready for North America.
8. What are you looking forward to about working with The Birthday Massacre and Ludovico Technique on this tour?
Trebla: We have been in touch with The Birthday Massacre already, we met them in Toronto years ago and we also had featured Chibi on song of us ("Until The End"), back in 2013. We don’t really know Ludovico Technique but we are looking forward to be on tour together.
9. How do you promote your band and shows?
Trebla: Through our music and videos first of all. Then social medias are assuming a very important role, we need to pick up and be very active, but it all develops more organically when you are touring.
10. What's new in the recording of your music?
Trebla: A new approach to the analog/digital blend. We love to experiment and we believe that is the real art today.
11. What else do you have planned for the rest of this year?

12. Do you have any last words for fans, or potential new fans?
Trebla: Come see us, the show is fun and the music is different, in a good way I mean. And we love to hang out with the fans after the shows, that is actually the best time ever!
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