James Barre says it Best, This Means War!

Alternative pop sensation James Barre, started at such a young age, with music, being introduced to performing at the mere age of five. Over the years, he has grown as a persona, creating and releasing music, including his most recent working's in the form of a new single titled "This Means War". James himself, goes into discussion about his works', single releases, and future plans.

1. Who was your first teacher or teachers that got you into music in the first place?

I started taking guitar lessons from a guy named Jim.  He was this super cool electric guitar player that played in a local band at night and gave lessons during the day. He was one of my first inspirations and greatly helped me channel and control my creativity.

2. Can you describe what your first instrumental or other instruments you had a crack at?

I played the saxophone in my elementary school band.  I was actually starting to get good at the sax...then my father gave me some spare change to buy a guitar...and, yeah... no more sax... ha.

3. Why did you even want to get involved with music in the first place?

I did a lot of theater when I was young and loved to perform. I started going to open mic nights, auditions, etc. at a young age and just became totally in love with that world. Since I can remember, I've always loved to create and build.

4. What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? In your neighborhood or town?

My sister and I always sang together as kids...she's actually studying musical theater at Syracuse University. We both really pushed each other to get better at our crafts.

5. Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones?

I am a little younger... so...CD's.  I had this Foo Fighter 's CD I damn near wore out. It's pretty incredible how Dave Grohl has been able to re-invent himself through multiple generations of fans. It's hard to find true rock-n-roll artists who have such an influence on a such a vareity of people.

6. What are your favorite means of mediums in terms of music, CDs, MP3s, Vinyl's, etc.

VINYL. Retailers like Urban Outfitters have totally re-introduced Vinyl to younger kids (like me, ha). I'd love to have an album printed on vinyl someday in the near future.

7. Which artist or band have you been listening to as of lately?

Tom Walker is dope!  "Leave A Light On" is incredible. He has such a fresh sound for a singer/songwriter and I think he is capable of defining that entire genre if he keeps it up.

8. When it comes to your work, what are your songs all about?

People. Relationships. Anything, really. Sometimes I get influence from things as simple as show on Netflix or a restaurant. Touring and playing live shows has introduced me to a completely new resource  of inspiration. It's easier to build stories about new places and new people than it is from the place I grew up. Most of my songs are about fairly simple human emotions, feelings and interactions... but I try to express them in a unique and personal way.

9. Who would be some of the people you admire or have learned from when it comes to music?

I really appreciate the producers I have been working with (Sam Farrar, Nick Bailey, RyKeys, Trackheads, etc).  They are talented musicians and writers that have their finger on the pulse of what's popping. As a writer, it's great to have outside perspective from musicians as talented as them.

10. Can you tell me about your recent single and video for "Don't Say"?

"Don't Say", is the classic summer love song.  It's about going on vacation and meeting someone special and never wanting it to end. The better part of the past year has been like a long vacation to me (touring, travelling, recording in LA, etc)... and I never want it to end. I tried to express that feeling through "Don't Say".

11. How about the other single "This Means War", what's the story there?

"This Means War" represents conflict through emotion. Throughout the song, there's a lot of word play and innuendos, but the overwhelming theme of the song is turmoil, whether it be through passion or some other feeling. It was an incredibly fun song to create and it presented me with an opportunity to sing and write with Sam Farrar of Maroon 5. Then, work the production with Rykeyz from Sony.  This song has an amazing base line that really hooks you.  The whole experience was super cool!

12. Do you have any other music in the works?

 Absolutely. I've been travelling frequently to Los Angeles, working with some great producers and writers. I've been finding huge writing inspirations from what So-Cal has to offer...from the creative vibe of Hollywood, to the free spirited personalities of the coastline folk...Venice, Santa Monica, etc. I've been working on four songs in particular that represent a more mature direction... pop music is constantly evolving and I'm trying my best to stay ahead of it.

13. What other plans are in the works for you as of right now?

Writing. Writing. Writing. Also, I'll be hitting the road in June on the Good Vibes Tour...playing Fairs on the west coast. We've also been developing some pretty fun music video ideas for "This Means War"...that's on the immediate agenda at the moment.

14. Would you like to add on anything else?

Thanks for doing this with me. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to listen and watch. We have a lot planned for the future, and I hope I can continue to grow and develop, musically and otherwise. There's so so so much to look forward to and I'm loving the place that I'm in right now. So stay tuned!

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