Energetic sound is what drives FILMSPEED's sound and music, it being nothing of heart and soul, that it becomes easily contagious! Thus forth, the band is currently out on tour, titled "The Consistently Off Tour", showcasing their talents and music to many who come to this 10-city tour trek. The band got together to talk of the touring matters and the music as well.
1. You are about to start a fantastic headline US Tour Filmspeed! If you could think of one thing you would like to accomplish the most through this tour what would that be?!
Well… Last October, we had this idea to head up the coast and play Vancouver. None of us have visited and we’ve been told it’s one of the greatest cities on the planet. You know how things snowball, right? So here we are about to headline 11 straight dates. It’s flattering for sure, our main goal though is to spruce up the resume and hit the road in the summer as a support slot for a much bigger act.
2. What have you done to prepare yourselves for the tour?
Rented a vehicle and ordered killer new merch. Haha! Honestly, we’ve logged in so many hours playing together that our only worry is January weather. We are locked, loaded, and keeping our eye out for snow storms. So long as the wheels make it to the next date, showtime is simply muscle memory.
3. How do you promote your band and shows?
Social media continues to dominate. It helps keep all our peeps updated and makes it easy for us to talk with other bands all around the world. Don’t ever discount guerrilla tactics though. Here in SoCal there’s a great rock show happening on any given Wednesday night. This means if you keep your head up on your way out of the venue, you may find one of us with a sticker in your face. That’s right, we still got love for the streets!
4. Can you describe your show, visually and musically for us?
Visually, our show is 3 kids suffering from massive anxiety and taking it out on some beat up equipment. We’ve heard it referred to as "controlled chaos". Musically, we’re gonna grab you by the soul and shake that shit out! Every room is a little different, so not every set is quite the same. We often throw covers in between songs or even in the middle of the song itself. Our crowds are usually full of singers and dancers, some good, some awful, but all of them collectively losing it.
5. What do you do to get ready for a show?
There’s 3 important steps in preparing for a show. In no particular order:
-Set up the gear.
-Stretch the hamstrings.
-Get a drink from the bar.
6. Is there any song that when you play it live on stage makes your adrenaline levels kick in and make you want to go hyper?
Every night is a little different, it really depends on what the crowd is feeling that night. There’s certain shows where we pull out a track from ages ago but just because of a select few in the crowd, it ends up winning the night.
7. Do you remember the first show your band played?
This incarnation of the band had it’s first gig back in October of ‘16. That was our first gig with now full-time drummer Oliver. It was this swanky little spot in L.A. A few handfuls of folks at 10PM on a Sunday. Safe to say, he absolutely crushed that one and all of them since.
8. What was the first concert you attended as a fan?
One by one it goes;
Craig- Garth Brooks.
Nick- Presidents of the United States of America.
Oliver- Projeckt Revolution Tour w/ Linkin Park, Snoop Dogg, The Used, and Less Than Jake.

Our new single "Bless My Soul" drops on Jan 18th with a B-side called "Shakey Love". Most likely, you’ll be hearing one if not both of these during this tour. We’re also getting a brand new song together to work out the kinks thru the length of the run. You may or may not hear that one, we’ll see how it goes, haha!
10. Once the tour in the US is over what do you have planned afterwards?
We’re taking February to record. There’s a bank of about 8 demos that we wanna plow through and see what turns out the best. We’ll be doing a few spot dates in March and April, but the main focus is scheduling a great summer.
11. To those who may not be familiar with Filmspeed, can you depict what they can expect?
We’re a band of close friends who are completely obsessed with music. We like to have a good time, all the time. You’re not likely to find another group with more genuine passion. If you do, send ‘em our way, because it sounds like we’ll get along famously.
12. What types of content has the band released thus far or recently that we should check out?
Working backwards, you can listen to our podcast "Consistently Off", which is always posted first on our SoundCloud. We’ve just recorded episode 10 and looking forward to getting the whole series on iTunes and all the other places soon. Before that, our studio cover of Foreigner’s "Cold As Ice" dropped last October on Spotify and we put up a video to YouTube and our Facebook. (Pretty sure we mentioned all the platforms in the paragraph). We’re anxious for the release of the new singles and videos.
13. How easy is it to keep the motivation going on a daily basis for Filmspeed?
It’s all about staying in the zone. The band is perpetually booked 4 months out. That means we’re always looking forward to the next phase. Case in point, we’ll be recording 2 weeks after our latest release.
14. Would you say that is your final answer?
Well this is our 2nd interview with you folks, so we’ll bet that this definitely isn’t the final answer. We’ll be looking forward to catching up with you all soon.
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