Leon Marshall Says Quite a Bit on His Beginning's, New Single, and More!

Country pop up and coming artist LEON MARSHALL had started playing guitar at the mere age of 6! But since then he has created his own music, including an EP and a handful of single's as well. Leon just wants to keep on writing, bettering his writing and music, getting out there to play in front of crowds once again. See what else he had to say from Leon himself below.

1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

I started playing guitar at around 6 and had always wanted to perform, in fact to be honest I think I probably really started playing because I wanted to be on Stars In Their Eyes as Elvis Presley and meet Matthew Kelly! 

I continued to play and started to write, and played my first paid gig when I was around 16, I gigged regularly at local Open Mic Nights and Folk Clubs for a couple of years and then stopped music to focus on Art and Sculpture. I then picked the guitar back up again several years ago and have been gigging and writing ever since…although I never made it on to Stars In Their Eyes!

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

I play under the name Leon Marshall. Marshall is my middle name, my surname Denison doesn’t quite sound as apt!

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

I am based in North Yorkshire and the music scene has always been pretty active, there’re lots of venues to play both headlining gigs as well as Open Mic’s, and it’s always a great friendly crowd. There are so many brilliant bands around at the moment, two of my favorites have to be The Paper Waits who are an alt-folk duo, their latest track “Kintsukuroi” is just incredible, and Flatcap Carnival who are a Latin-infused Skanival band, again a brilliant band, you just can’t help but dance as soon as they start!

4. How would you describe your style?

I would say my music has a Country-Pop sort of feel. It’s been described as Dr Hook meets Jamie Lawson, and I’m happy with that!

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

I released an EP a couple of years ago titled “Feel The Rain” (often misheard for being titled “Feel Lorraine”!) and since then have released a series of singles, with the next one “Going Nowhere” due for release on 23rd Oct. I love a catchy hook and something to tap my feet to, I think (I hope!) that comes across in my music.

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

Absolutely! I’m constantly writing, not all of it is good enough to share but I write all the time, and this lockdown period has been the perfect time to get my head down and pen to paper! (In between redecorating the house and learning to make the obligatory banana bread of course!) I’m back in the studio this next week to get a couple of tracks down and hopefully they’ll be ready to share soon!

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

Like many others I’m sure I’m pretty quiet for the rest of the year, I’m uploading regularly to my socials and spending time getting more songs down ready to hit 2021!

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

My plan is to keep writing and keep trying to better my writing, and of course to get back out as soon as I can playing to big crowds again.

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

You can find me on all streaming platforms and head to my website www.leonmarshall.co.uk

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

I want people to remember how the song made them feel the first time they heard it, if they smiled or cried, if it brought back fond memories, moments of pride or moments of sadness…and of course, I want people to remember the hook! With many of my songs, I find that when I’m performing, by the time I get to the last chorus the audience are starting to sing it with me and there’s no greater feeling.

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