SubSpec Releases New EP
New Zealand Heavy Metal band SubSpec released their debut EP "Valhalla". The release was recorded in "Valhalla Wellington Studios", and mixed/mastered by Ascitir. Check out th...
New Zealand Heavy Metal band SubSpec released their debut EP "Valhalla". The release was recorded in "Valhalla Wellington Studios", and mixed/mastered by Ascitir. Check out th...
Russian Instrumental Metal band Fire and Gate released their new album "Edda: Silent Collection of Myths". The release was recorded, mixed and mastered by Petr Baldin at his home studio. The...
Horror classic metal punks THE DEATHTONES have released some single's, a handful of EP's, along with newer music always in the works and being released! The band just wants to get themselves out there...
NOVACROW was formed back in 2013, creating, writing, and recording what would be now their debut album released just this year! Some time will be put aside before any newer music is made, with the ban...
Metal band DARK DELIRIUM began in 2020, during the covid pandemic, but while that may have been happening, it did not stop them from releasing content. The band has released two album's with an upcomi...
Black death metal band ACOD has been actively doing music since 2006, releasing 2 EP's and 5 full-length album's with 2 upcoming releases in the form of an EP along with an album too! The band discuss...
Canadian Depressive Black Metal band Desecrator of Sanctuary released their debut EP "Unsettling". This release was recorded in "Cold Colony Studios" in Hamilton Ontario Canada. Mi...
Canadian Progressive/Melodic Death Metal band Born Divided released their debut album "Impending Doom". The release was recorded, mixed and mastered by Fred Bedard.Check out the album linked...
Death metal band RECORRUPTOR have three releases out and about, two album's and an EP split all out now. An upcoming third album is in the works with an expected release in the next year. No new shows...
Rockers FACTORY came together from numerous other projects, going on to create this band and writing and recording what is their debut album and then follow-up album out this next year. Shows are also...
Groove metal band CHANGER has had 3 EP's along with 3 full-length album's as well. But they recently released and EP with an upcoming album expected out real soon if not possibly until the next year. ...
Extreme metal band BLOOD OF ANGELS has gone on to release an EP and full-length album, and will be spending next year will be writing and recording an all new follow-up album! No shows are played at t...