Arctic Dreams Says Much on Music, Rememberance and More!


Metalheads ARCTIC DREAMS have an EP, album, and some single's out there, with the band hard at work upon their next album. No plans for shows or touring yet, but wanting to play someday, releasing more music, and to meet everyone is set in stone. See what else the band had to say about themselves and music below.


1.Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

[ALEX_Y]: “Our story started back in 2009, when I moved to St Petersburg and met Sydius on one of the music forums. Then we found our first bassist and drummer and started rehearsing. A lot of things have happened since then, you could write a whole book.”

[SYDIUS]: “ In the beginning there was the Click. And came the Produser. And it was Good. And said the Produser, let there be Beat. And came the Drummer. And there was the Beat. And said the Producer, let there be Bass. And there was the Bass. And came the Singer. And there was the Word.  And came the Guitarplayer. And spoiled everything with 20 minute shred”  

[GENA]: “ I just came to hang out at a studio in Belgrade, and it just went from there. ” 

[NENAD]: “ I’m still the new guy here, I can only recall for the past year or so. Lot’s of meetings, lot’s of rehearsals and a lot of work creating the new music.”

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

 [ALEX_Y]: “ Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia))) There was a famous at that time club "Arktika", where metal bands from all over the world very famous, famous and underground came to perform. The first year of our project's life we rented a flat near this club and went there all the time. Unfortunately, it closed down in 2014.”

[SYDIUS]: “ First our name was Beatles but we couldn’t work it out cause life is very short and there’s no time for that ”  

[GENA]: “ It's a great and terrible secret  ” 

[NENAD]: “ Alex knows best, haha. ”

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

 [ALEX_Y]: “ Well, our base is in Belgrade, Serbia. This is where our recording studio and most of the participants of the projects are located. Except Sydius, he lives in Berlin. From local bands I can recommend: XSUS, Rapidforce, Violent Chapter, Dead Joker, Father of Serpents, Infest.”

[SYDIUS]: “ The band is based in Arctica. But we live in different cities ”  

[GENA]: “ Most of the band is now in Belgrade. The Serbian metal scene is in a better state than in Russia at the moment ” 

[NENAD]: “Apart from St. Petersburg, it is now in Belgrade as well. THe music scene is somewhat healthy, but there are a lot of crossover thrash/punk bands. Some local metal bands I’d recommend are Father of Serpents, Xsus, Dawn of Creation, The Stone, Kolac, Infest.”

4. How would you describe your style?

[ALEX_Y]: “Arctic-metal”

[SYDIUS]: “ Fairy unicorn discodjent ”  

[GENA]: “Vegetarian progressive grindcore  ” 

[NENAD]: “Progressive, death, black.”

[ROMAN]: “Extreme Death Metal”

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

[ALEX_Y]: “We've managed to release two singles, one EP and a debut full-length album. You can read more about our work at our resources provided later in this interview.”

[SYDIUS]: “ Yep, couple of notes ”  

[GENA]: “ A bunch of music that nobody cares about =) ” 

[NENAD]: “I was a session studio guitarist for the band Demist and recorded their album Guilt and Pleasures back in 2015. From my side, if it clicks and is catchy and melodic but brutal to give you goosebumps, that is how I would describe my style.”

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

[ALEX_Y]: “ We are currently working on the second full-length album and will release a single from it very soon. Stay tuned for more news))”

[SYDIUS]: “ Only old music in the works ”  

[GENA]: “ Lots of things in the works and so little time to get it all done ” 

[NENAD]: “I’m working on the debut album of my progressive industrial project Antares, 2 other solo albums and a doom metal project with a singer from Vienna.”

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

[ALEX_Y]: “  ”

[SYDIUS]: “ Everybody does that. Let’s just write interviews ”  

[GENA]: “ Looking forward to suggestions from festival and club owners =) ” 

[NENAD]: “Nothing so far, probably in the fall.”

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

[ALEX_Y]: “Our drummer Roman has recently joined us.  The absence of a drummer was a big problem for us. Finally we started to prepare a live programme and soon we will please you with live performances.”

[SYDIUS]: “ To meet each other ”  

 [GENA]: “Releases, live shows, drinking beer  ” 

[NENAD]: “Play as much as we can in as many countries to meet fans old and new and play our new music.”

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

[ALEX_Y]: “ We have a number of resources on which we regularly update:

[SYDIUS]: “ Call my friend, he can sing you some tunes by phone”  

[GENA]: “ As far as I know, on every possible platform, spotify, youtube, etc.  ” 

[NENAD]: “Bandcamp, Youtube…”

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

[ALEX_Y]: “Our energy and pitch. We know and believe that after hearing our music for the first time, he will come back to our music again, and then come to our show”

[SYDIUS]: “ Remember 20 digits of pi ”  

[GENA]: “ So that the listener will remember our band name and come to the next show  ” 

[NENAD]: “Getting goosebumps.”

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