Ro and Skullboys Discusses the Want to Having Fun and Releasing Music!


 Rockabilly 50's and 60's garage rock band RO AND THE SKULLBOYS have released a couple of releases, with them writing all newer material expected out soon! With the band wanting to play live whenever it's possible, they just want to release music, and have some fun! The band discusses all of this plus more right below!


1. Where did the idea for the band name come from, did you plan it or did it just happen? 

We didn't give it much thought, Ro and his skull boys made us laugh... and that was 11 years ago. Ro is the boss and we are her minions. We think of artists we like, Elvis and the Bluemoon Boys, Charlie Feathers and the Musical Warriors, Dion and the Belmonts, Crazy Cavan and the Rhymth Rockers, to name a few.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We love 50s raw rockabilly or the more psychotic 60s garage, we worship guys like Screaming Lord Sutch, bands like the Meteors and the Cramps. We are fans of the genre, and the psychobilly label includes a lot of very different bands, Batmobile, Ricochets, Mad Sin, Guana Batz, Asmodeus, Cenobites, Phantom Rockers, the list is endless.We feel comfortable with the label of psychobilly band.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

We didn't know each other, Ro put an ad to find musicians who liked psychobilly, rockabilly, surf, punk... and it's been 11 years.

4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

We are from Madrid (Spain). The psycho scene is really small, we all know each other and we form a small family of mutants and weirdos, we are the underground of the underground.  As for the bands, although they are not strictly psychobilly, there are Generador (they blow us away)... I'm sure I'm forgetting some!

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

We love horror movies and B series, cómics like Tank Girl or Hellboy, Clive Baker, Elvis, Charlie Feathers, Lovecraft, Crazy Cavan, Poe, Meteors, Cramps, Buddy Holly, Hasil Adkins, the world of skateboarding, roller derby... but above all our daily lives.

6. What are your songs about? (What specific topics do they cover?)

They talk about our daily lives, about how to fight depression, anxiety, horror movies, tributes to our favorite bands, skating... it is better that everyone listens to them and interprets them for themselves.

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discusses the composition process in detail.) 

The normal thing is that Ro brings a melody, we all make the instrumental part together and, finally, Ro makes a lyric. Sometimes we start from a guitar riff or a double bass line that ends up being a song that we shape with the rest of the band, that includes Ro writing the lyrics. Apart from our own songs, we have fun making covers of songs that we like and adapting them to Spanish.

8. What have you released so far and what can be expected from your works?

The first thing we published was a handful of songs recorded on CD and cassette that we called "Las Cintas del Sotano". Shortly afterwards we published the "Skull Girls E.P." on CD. Around that time we recorded a version of "Sweet And Tender Hooligan" for a tribute to the Smiths with other psychobilly bands. The next thing was a 10" album titled "Un Ataúd Lleno De Canciones" with 5 songs. In 2020, coinciding with the pandemic, we published a CD with new songs called "Mañana Puede Ser Verdad". We also recorded the anthem of the roller derby team in which Ro played, Black Thunder Dames from Madrid. After some concerts and saving some money we recorded "Monster Psycho" and "Satánica" of which we made some video clips. We had a great time with our friends who helped us with everything. In the summer of 2024 we publish a new song "Miedo". And finally, in a few months a 7" will be released with four new songs, titled "Razas de Noche".

9. Do you have any new music in the works? 

We are always writing new material, sometimes an idea comes up while we are rehearsing or someone brings an idea to the rehearsal room. As I already said, in a few months we will publish a 7" with four songs, we just need to give us the records to start moving it.

10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out? 

The scene is very small and traveling is complicated but since we are a little crazy we don't usually turn down any concert. This last year we have played with Mad Sin, T-Rexxx, or the Brains. The idea is to play live whenever possible, it's always fun.

11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

Continue composing, record and publish new material, play live, make videos of the songs, play with other bands that we are fans of, meet new friends, in short, don't stop for a while.

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

You can listen to us on Sportify, Bandcamp or YouTube

Most of our records are out of stock, hopefully there are still some in stores. In the Psychobilly Meeting online store you can buy our t-shirts to be the coolest ghouls in the cemetery.!/RO-&-THE-SKULLBOYS/c/49800054

Finally, thank you very much for your interest. See you at the concerts.





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