Escape The Fate's former brotherly band mates Monte Money and Michael Money left the band and have since formed a whole new musical project they simply call the Money Brother$. These guys have always been known to work hard on music and are continuing to do so with this project, Monte Money is on Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, Composer, Production and Michael Money is on Guitar, Backing Vocals, Composer, Production. They have released their first single entitled "Break Free" and have got a whole lot more in-store. The two brothers took the time to discuss their time with Escape The Fate and future plans.
1. Can you briefly tell me what went down with Escape The Fate? Do you think your time with them is done for good or will you cross paths again or return to the ETF line-up?
Money Brother$: We're extremely excited to be moving on, though it was a big part of our lives for many years especially Monte's being a founder and involved for 9 years, we are finally happy that we can bring music straight to the world straight from the Money Brother$. We are very fortunate to have a history where we as brothers have written music that was the main dish that labels exclusively targeted in on in dealing with that band. It was really an educational period for us when we look back at that now. Money Brother$ is where it's at now, that's all we're focusing and working on.
2. What made you guys want to turn to this direction and create this brotherly project?
Money Brother$: We've been playing music together since we were kids, and we had always played music in other bands locally and professionally. Going through it all we had always come together wrote music, shared what we've learned and our experiences. We created a great bond through music and united our ideas, which has now evolved into the Money Brother$.
3. You decided to name this band after yourselves the Money Brothers how come?
Money Brother$- We thought since everyone recognized us as the Money Brother$, we would embrace our last name and just take on the name professionally. Plus, we were born in Las Vegas, NV and our name is perfect to represent our home town.
4. Why did you want this project to be a two piece instead of the traditional band line-up? Will it just be you two or will eventually add other members?
Money Brother$: We move pretty fast as Money Brother$, we don’t have to wait on anyone else. We do everything ourselves and our latest single "Break Free" shows this. Ideas flow fast and it's what we’re used to doing so, this all just comes naturally. We may eventually bring on more members, but only for our live tours.
5. How would you describe your style?
Money Brother$: Our style is very versatile since we enjoy creating very different music that may bring certain listeners of one type of music to appreciate another style of music. An easy way to explain it is that we enjoy creating music that can bring people together from different backgrounds.
6. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Money Brother$: It tends to vary from song to song. We do like to promote positivity, but there are always times when you need a song that you can let everything out in. Generally, we like to make songs that people can use in their lives and maybe help them get through their day or just turn on our song and can let loose.
7. What's the story behind "BreakFree"?
Money Brother$: It was a song that we wrote to help others who may feel trapped in their lives. There may come a point in time where someone can have an epiphany and this song would help them come to the point where they can realize they can “Break Free” from what they’re so used to doing or feel trapped in.
The mind can be so powerful in creating obstacles and we were hoping that this song could be like someone’s axe or barbell in breaking through that wall or obstacle.

8. Does this song come off an upcoming EP or full-length or a series of singles?
Money Brother$: “Break Free” is a song off our upcoming EP that will be out in 2014.
9. What are the biggest obstacles for bands?
Money Brother$: For an independent band like ours, we’d say funding. Even though we write and record our music ourselves, it can still be an obstacle to get new ears to hear our music by being able to tour.
10. What advice would you give to fellow bands?
Money Brother$: Learn as much as you can about the music business - everything from writing to booking shows. A lot of independent bands already know this, but it can’t be stressed enough, because everyone can get a lot further and faster if they educate themselves.
11. How does music affect you and the world around you?
Money Brother$: Music is like our own world. We can create our own world with music. When the world seems one way, we can always go into the studio and bust out a song that can change perceptions since that is what the world is to everyone, based on different perceptions. It really is a privilege to be able to do what we do and have our fans enjoy it and be able to use our music to help them get through their days.
12. What inspires you to do what you do?
Money Brother$: The music that lives in us all. We believe that we can somehow help the world by making music that can help individuals that can use our music as a way of an outlet or release from what people experience in their daily lives. It’s fans like ours that really stoke the fire in us to bring more music to the world and it’s really amazing to hear how our music saves lives.
13. What should labels/zines/promoters know about your band? Why should they be interested in it?
Money Brother$: Money Brother$ is a game changer for this generation of music. Our music will definitely have an impact, because “Break Free” was just the tip of the iceberg.
14. What plans do you have for the future as a band?
Money Brother$: We plan on coming out swinging with our EP release in 2014 as the Money Brother$.
15. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

16. Anything else you'd like to add or want to say to the fans?
Money Brother$: We definitely have the greatest fans who appreciate what we have done and support us throughout our musical journey. Thank you so much for being there for us and pushing us to be our best. We love making music for our fans! Much love to all of you! If you haven’t subscribed to our channels make sure you do and stay tuned for what’s to come!
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