Bulletbelt straight out of New Zealand turf, had developed a song that would become one of the tracks off the horror comedy flick "Deathgasm". The film title is the title of the song that was used on the film and film's soundtrack, after meeting up director/writer Jason, a few times, the results were blood gushing. Guitarist Ross, discusses the band's development with the song, film, and about themselves, with the release of their latest album "Rise Of The Banshee", as well as what they have planned, including new music and some showcases happening in and around this year and the next.
1. Let's talk a little about the history of
your band. When did you originally form and is this the original line-up?
Ross: Steve (drums) and I (Ross, guitar) formed
the band in 2009. We've had a few changes in personnel over the intervening
years and have expanded from originally being a 3-piece, up to a 5-piece as of
today. From the current membership, Tim joined on bass in 2012 just before our
first NZ tour, and the recording of our first album 'Down In The Cold Of The
Grave'. Jolene joined on vocals in Dec 2013 - her first show was the vinyl
release gig for our first album. The latest addition is Viv Te Tau on guitar,
who played his first show just a month ago.
2. Do you remember how the idea of forming
the band first came up?
Ross: Steve and I were friends, we had similar
interests in music, and lived in the same suburb in Wellington, NZ. We are both
drummers, and Steve just asked one day if I played any other instruments. I was
self taught on guitar, so offered that up, and it seems to have stuck! I think
we also have a similar interest in the management and promotion of the band,
just pushing forward and making the most of opportunities as they present
themselves. It definitely helps having two people in the band working together
in a similar direction.
3. How long after you formed was it until
you played your first live show?
Ross: We formed around June / July 2009 as just
drums and guitar. We added a bass/vocalist a couple months later, and our first
show was April 2010, so it was around 9 or 10 months.
4. What are your memories of the
Ross: None. Ha! As it was my first time playing
guitar in front of an audience, I was probably freaking out about being in
tune, and not breaking a string! My only vague memory would be that I was
standing up close to the front of the stage... as a drummer for the preceding
16 years, I had always sat down when I played, and was always safely tucked up
the back with a drum-kit 'protecting' me from the audience. Quite a revelation
to be that close to the action!
5. How would you categorize the style of
the band?
Ross: In its most basic form - Black Metal.
However, we're definitely striving to coherently introduce influences from
other genres into our sound, thrash, punk, classic metal, hard rock,
progressive, etc. As a result I don’t think we’ll ever sound like a traditional
2nd-wave-of-black-metal band that many associate with the genre.

Ross: The film title existed first. I had already
begun working on some riffs for Rise Of The Banshee which we then developed
into becoming the song 'Deathgasm'. We had met with Jason, the writer/director
a few times when initially writing the song. He then let Steve see an early
treatment of the movie. Which we then
used as lyrics for the song. If you've seen the movie, you'll notice references
to it in the lyrics – ‘brotherhood of steel’, ‘Demons, set free upon this
world’, ‘Blood gushing from their eyes’ etc
7. Have you seen the film itself Deathgasm?
What did you think? Would you recommend it?
Ross: Yes, l saw it for the first time as part of
a film festival here in Wellington in August last year. I really enjoyed it, as
I think it nailed a lot of the metal references, has a quality comedic thread
running through it, and also has a plenty of blood and gore for the horror
fans. And because of that, it has also made it easy for us to get in behind it
and help promote it.
I think from a purely underground metal
perspective Jason also did a good job in nailing some great bands to be on the
soundtrack. Not just some middle of the road, nu-metal / metalcore/ rock bands,
but some real quality bands within the scene such as Emperor, Ihsahn, Midnight,
Pathology, Nunslaughter (RIP Jim Sadist!!). He also made an effort to include
some NZ metal/rock in the form of Beastwars, Razorwyre, 8 Foot Sativa, and, of
course, Bulletbelt. The soundtrack is coming out on vinyl via Death Waltz
Recording very soon - check them out here
8. Can you disclose as to why you went with
picking "Deathgasm" and "Sniper" for singles and video
choices off "Rise Of The Banshee"?
Ross: I think 'Deathgasm' was an obvious choice
because of the tie in with the release of the movie. We received a funding
grant from the NZ government to help pay for the shoot. And a lot of staff and
crew from the movie were involved, so the 'look' of the video is very similar
to the movie - and obviously we could then use scenes from the movie within the
video itself.
'Sniper' is a cover song, originally recorded
by a band called The Nod from New Plymouth, NZ. We'd already had some good
feedback on the song itself, and the story the lyrics were describing lent
itself to a strong visual representation. The basic concept is obvious, and so
when the idea was pitched to Keith at MeMumMe Movies the ideas fell into place
quite quickly. Our scenes for Sniper were actually filmed around the same time
as Deathgasm, but as this was a 'no-budget' production, the final product took
a lot longer to complete.
9. Do you see anymore tunes taken off this
album, to be made into singles or videos or is what you got, good enough for
you guys?
Ross: We also have a lyric video for 'Minnie
Dean' off of the album, which was actually the first video we released. It came
out in September 2014 just before the release of the album, so that makes three
songs off the album with some form of video representation. At this stage, no more songs will be
featured. We're concentrating on writing album #3, and will leave any plans for
future videos until that has been done.
10. Let's talk a little about your latest
release, what are the listeners in store for with this release?

11. What's your take on "Rise Of The
Banshee" as a whole?
Ross: It is a progression from the first album, there
are improvements in song writing, performance and recording which all
contribute to that. I feel as though with every rehearsal, and every new song,
we continue to improve. So that is reflected on ‘Rise…’ as compared to ‘Down…’,
and now as we move into album #3, the improvements are already evident.
12. What's your favorite song on the album
right now?
Ross: It's 'Murderer's Collar' at the moment, and
has been for a while. It has some of my favorite riffs in it, and I like the
way the song transitions between sections and also back to the intro riff. I
also like the fact that we were able to include such a great song straight
after the opening track 'Death Tinted Red'.
I'd also pick 'Tarawera (Burnt Spear)' as it was a song I wasn't sure
should have been included at all on the album. I just didn't think it was
strong enough, but everyone else disagreed with me and so it stayed. But once I
listened to in context of the rest of the album, and once we started playing it
live, it really grew on me.
13. Do you have any new music in the works,
where is the new material headed?
Ross: Yes, there is new music being written at
the moment. There's no drastic change in style coming up. We're taking a little
bit more time with the writing process and of the 3 songs we have already, they’re
showing good progress. I still feel it's early days yet, and I'm keeping a
pretty open mind about what songs will make up the album this time, and being
prepared to rewrite, or even scrap, some material if we think it could be
14. What are your current touring, show,
and plans in general if any?
Ross: The only show plans we have planned are
that in around Oct 2016 we should have the next album out and we’ll tour in
support of that as much as we can. In NZ and Australia for sure, and in 2017,
look to arrange some North American or European shows.
15. Have you heard of Bulletbelt?
Ross: To be honest, I don’t think I have. When
you’re so close to writing pretty much every note on every song. And laboring
over and analyzing every break or transition part in a song, I find it
difficult to take a step back and look at how the overall band sounds. At the
moment I’m relying on Steve, and also now more on Jolene, to give their
perspective on how things are sounding.
Thanks for the interview Natalie!
All the up and coming news about Bulletbelt
can be found at facebook.com/Bulletbelt or @Bulletbeltnz on twitter. All our current merch - vinyl, CDs,
T-shirts (male and female sizes) patches, and pins - and also digital versions
of all our releases, are available at bulletbeltnz.bandcamp.com. You can also find Rise Of The Banshee digitally on iTunes, Amazon,
and Spotify.
We also have some merch available in the US/North America from the
distros below, support them!
NWN! Productions http://www.nwnprod.com/shop
Hells Headbangers http://shop-hellsheadbangers.com
Salvation Distro http://www.salvationdistro.com/
Paragon Records http://themetalunderground.com/catalog1/
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