Genre-blending Manchester collective Y.O.U.N.G have shared the video for their latest single "Lazy", featuring their own "lazy hacks". It premiered on Clash who said, "New single "Lazy" is fast becoming their calling card, a tongue-in-cheek response to parents, teachers and other buzzkills".
The youthful five-piece kick back in the new single with chilled hip-hop beats and mellow reggae guitars alongside a bleary-eyed flow, rising into an infectious chorus – all combining to create an anthem for lazy people across the world.
The group have now followed this up by revealing a video of them struggling through their daily routine, featuring a guide of hacks for lazy people, including car-based dog walking, kettle-based pasta cookery, and the inspired pizza-in-a-toaster.
Rapper Ben James said of the track, "Our whole lives people have been calling us lazy. The track plays on the idea of what we would do every day if we were as lazy as people said. It's true everybody has lazy days, we are no exception, but overall the aim of "Lazy" is to mock the idea that all we do is nothing."
"The chorus is written from the point of view of the patronising adult, whilst the rap verse gives a first hand view of what a lazy day would consist of. Even though the song is a mockery, we can't deny that brews, candles and chilling are genuine passions of ours! Dressing gowns make an appearance in the live show, bringing the laid back bedroom vibes to the stage and adding to the tongue in cheek nature of the tune."
Check out the video HERE.
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